Why are 80% of online Forza players incapable of making turns?

Seriously, this is almost game breaking for me. The first few turns of any online race are just a struggle to stay on the road as people coming smashing into you at full speed as if they are making no attempt whatsoever to turn their car. How can the general community be this bad at the game? Frustrating as all hell

That’s why I don’t play on line.


U sure it’s only 80%? Seems more like 95 or 96 % to me…


LOL be cause they can…the best racers in the room tend too finish out front regardless of the banging, learn how to deek them out :slight_smile:

I have told you a million times do not exaggerate.

Here are my stats over the last week.

Lobbies entered about 7.

Lobbies in which a player deliberately tried to take me out - 1 and it was 1 player only.

Lobbies in which the racing was rough 1 other.

I would say 10% of the players are like this, you just notice them more.


sat you are better than average, you tend to run in the front. i dont play horizon but we both played fm5. i used the wrong tune on spa once and even tho its the same race the race at the back of the pack is a whole different experience. it becomes a corner to corner, wreck to wreck series of drag races. and i believe some are wrecking you on purpose, probably an effect of forcing your way from last to first in two laps in career. its how they drive. if you are in front you become their brakes. if you give way and let them get ahead they are still going to solo wreck and if they can take you out comming back on the track. and horizon doesn’t have the sticky grass to give you a chance the get around one of the 5 at the back of the pack. the front is a total different experience than the back. i dunno. maybe everybody in the back is drunk, but for drunks they have darned good aim at your broad side. and with christmas sales there are gonna be tons of new players that haven’t learned yet.

but when you go from finishing in the top 1-3 and suddenly you are in the last 3, its a whole different game. you think drivatars can be bad at times, some people can make the drivatars look like schumackers. was in shock at first, then i couldn’t stop laughing. it was either that or get mad and be “that guy”. fortunately i am pretty good and could load a new tune for the next race and just have a colorful memory. if i had to have that game play every time i might turn into “that guy”. it would drive me nuts unless i was that guy just long enough to take the game skeet shooting. the back of the pack can be…unreal. you have to experience it for yourself some time. if you watched it on a replay you would swear it was intentional and set up…a prank video. you wouldn’t believe it was for real. it can be hilarious for a while, but its defiantly not the experience you bought the game for.

You’ve told me a million times? Because I dont recall you telling me anything ever since i hardly post on these forums. Anyways, sadly, I am not exaggerating. If anything, 80% is an understatement. In just about EVERY race I play, it seems as though a majority of players just plow through all of the early turns with no attempt at braking. Ive tried hanging back and letting it play out, but then a skillful driver will get lucky and survive the onslaught and will have a huge lead over me at the start of the race.

Theres one solution only that I can think of that makes sense. Turn off collisions for the first 30 seconds of the race. Let those players plow through the turn without hitting anybody, and ruin their chances of finishing anywhere near first. Then and only then will they have to learn to play the game how it should be played. Once theres no collateral damage, the game will become incredibly frustrating for THEM and not the good drivers and they will have to adapt.

I agree with this post. Rarely do I run into this.

Sometimes lag is the issue, but if there is a “bad room” just back out and join another.

Along with knowing how to race, there comes a skill associated with knowing how to avoid racers whom drive recklessly. Adequately yielding to the field of cars before the first few turns, identifying overly aggressive vehicles and making it a habit to stay out of their inevitable trajectory, and adapting a keen sense for planning and using less-than-desirable driving lines until the pack thins out is a great way to protect yourself from kamikaze drivers and first turn dive bombers. Hone these skills and you may find yourself making great leaps and bounds through the field as drivers sort themselves out after these incidents. Right place, right time is key.

Also, it is important to note that these series of events associated with crashers aren’t relegated to Forza; welcome to the reality of virtual racing where real world regulations do not apply, the drivers are free of physical harm and financial responsibility, and (for some) half the thrill of the game is creating a large pile up. The moment you realize this isn’t just a Forza problem is the moment you will start to learn how to deal with these issues accordingly in all games, not just Forza.

This leads me to my last point: private lobbies, private lobbies, private lobbies. If you are sick and tired of the vehicular carnage in public lobbies, find like minded drivers here on these forums, befriend them on Xbox Live and create a private lobby wherein you oversee the event parameters and have the ability to kick as soon as someone steps out of line. It really is the best and most socially rewarding experience that can be had with online racing.

Best of luck to you!


The quote is the best advice you can get. Getting to turn 1 before other cars may make your race easier but will not improve your own driving/racing skill, easing off, reading a driver and planning your move as you make your way through the pack will eventually pay dividends with your own skill levels (not saying they are poor-but not many people can claim they do not need to improve any more). Coming from the back through the field can provide a lot of satisfaction even if you don’t make it to P1.

A lot of the ‘‘turn one heros’’ are children. Not old enough to actually drive a car. Conditioned to play a racing game as if they were playing Grand Theft Auto. It’s not going to change and complaing about it is just unfriutful…Charles

If we had online lobbies and could kick people it wouldn’t be as big of a problem. Not including lobbies in this game was a horrible decision.

oh joy I will be kicked by the kids instead of being taken out by the kids.

I know your suggestion has merit. But the real issue is the kids will either get me by crashing or get me by kicking me.

In FH1 kicking for being quick in customs was more of an issue than crashing. The kids can not cope with the power that the kick button gave them.


This behaviour (and the lack of traffic) had me give up on FH1 MP very early on. FH1 essentially had no online mode in my world.

OT: They’re not that much worse than the drivatars, really. Fortunately there are threads like this one, full of good tips and usable strategems.

But the finish line is just on the other side of turn 1. I must get there first, even if we started 8th…
This is the mind set of those turn 1 wreckers…

I’m online playing several times a day and every single game there are two to four who can’t turn, crash into people or try to do a pit on players and the majority are not kids, unless kids have really deep voices these days. Nothing is going to change. Just hold back from the pack and then pass them on the inside as they crash into the walls or each other.

Not being cheeky but maybe your cars a bit slower or your breaking early lobbies I’ve played are very competitive with really skilled drivers always an idiot try’s to take you out but those players tend to quit early when the know they’re beaten

This is a smash-em-up, plow through fields, find the shortcuts, knock down anything in the way, free-for-all video game.

If I treat it like a “serious racing” game, I’m not playing it the way it was designed to be played.

So, rather than it being a case of so many players being “this bad at the game,” I think it’s more a case of a small percentage of players not understanding what the game is…


True, we are encouraged to smash into things such as signs, fences, garbage cans and so on and we receive XP for doing so. If we are supposed to smash others racers in the same fashion then why does the skill chain get broken resulting in no XP? Seems to me that the skill chain XP system is designed to discourage drivers from hitting other racers. Of course accidents will happen but I don’t believe the game was designed to promote crashing other racers.

I don’t get whay a game has to either be a sim “thou shalt not touch another” or a free for all troll fest.

The Horizon games are not as arcade as the NFS, Burnouts, Crews etc.

I get that rubbin is racin will happen. Why it should need to be rubbin is racing by everyone in all situations I don’t get and why it should be acceptable to use absolutely no brakes and use the car in front is beyond me.

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