Who'd stop playing FM8 if GT7 came to pc?

who’d stop playing FM8 if GT7 were to come to PC (and why).

i honestly think i would… sure, GT7 is not perfect graphics perhaps looking a little dated and the physics is lightyears behind the likes of ACC or ACE but seems to be more “game” than FM8.

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I’d play it if it were to ever cross over on to Xbox. But :person_shrugging: who knows if that’ll ever happen.

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I’d just play both games lol.
I would need a pretty long time to get competitive in GT7 so it would be a gradual change.

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Same I’ve only tried it (GT7) on dad’s machine. Some stuff I like and some stuff I don’t. As with both games.

Only thing I like here we have a forum and can kind of request what we want in the game.


True, the Forza Forum is one of the best, it’s user friendly and looks nice and not like something from 2010, I wish more forums were like this.

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This post is reflective of the toxicity in most public SIM racing forums. Petty argument of which is the better game.
Frankly if we put that aside and just enjoyed racing games as a category the whole community would be full of less toxicity.
Why is it one of the other? No matter which one it is.
Why can’t people just let it go and have fun racing?

Not sure what’s toxic about comparing different games with each other. As you say it’s a category, so you can totally compare features and play modes of different games.
Nobody here is arguing about ‘how bad Forza is’ and that ‘anyone is stupid for not playing GT7 and selling their Xbox’. I’ve seen comments like that online and those really don’t lead anywhere other than triggering people for no reason.
Talking realistically about different games without bias is not toxic.


If people need an excuse to stop playing a game then they don’t really want to stop playing said game.