Who bought forza 5 after Road America was added?

Just wondering if this changed anyones mind? Or if anyone bought a xbox one and Forza after the new Track? The game just rocks!

Duh The Guys That Don’t Like Forza 5 Are Hackers Or Haters I Am Glad They Did Not Buy Forza 5 And Got PS4 Good Ridance I Don’t Miss Them Either They Couse Problems In Forza 4 And Blame Them On Others While Hacking Etc In Forza 5 Is Easy For Me To Get On The Top 100 Without A Leaderboard Car Because There Are No Hackers Or Moders I Hope They Got To PS4 Or Stay In Forza 4 Because In Forza 5 If You Good You Are Good If You Bad You Wont Like Forza 5 That Is The Buttom Line.

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i would doubt anyone who waited long enough for the new track to come out is even aware or cares a new track came out. it could induce current players to get horizons or fm6 at launch tho.

2 of my friends still aren’t on, waiting for tax season. I expect there will be a jump next month because of this, also don’t forget about Titanfall, that is three-ish weeks out and we will probably pick up some more racers there as well. Not really sure about Road America selling systems by itself, but maybe some people who already own X1s will get on board.

Ya titanfall will sell some x boxes for sure. Plus tax return season I wouldn’t be surprised if they sold another few million before the end of march. With that more forza 5 games will be sold. I almost got a ps4 but they have no racing games out yet. Honestly I see more hope for the xbox then playstaion sony is going bankrupt and there games arent very good imo. Also if Microsoft could make every xbox a dev one and they let anyone make games and publish online man that would dominate. Think of it like an apple store that anyone can make a game on. Sony would lose so much money on that alone.