it wasn’t offered here in the UK as a preorder bonus. And it’s not useable in game. Damn drivatars can drive it around though.
probably as dlc at some point
is the gallardo in the regular game as well or just dlc?
It’s in the regular game, you just have to unlock it with a pre-order code to gain access to it to use it.
I asked in another topic whether the Pre-Order codes are Region locked?
“Are the Pre-Order codes Region locked for specific regions?? Has anyone confirmed this fact??”
It wouldn’t surprise me a bit to see the preorder cars offered to the rest of us in a DLC pack at some point.
I bought it on the marketplace, no preorder cars for me at all.
I wouldn’t mind the Gallardo and the M6.
My guess is it will be in a pack on 7th march 2015
That’s a very specific date there Nostradamus. lol
just an educated guess based on horizon 1 really… once the car pass packs are all said and done the following pack should/maybe be the pre order pack
You can buy it straight away in the 360 version
Plenty of whips to drive in the meantime. I’m only at about 50 cars. Taking my time to customise, paint, photograph and put miles on every car, truck and/or van that finds its way into my stables.
B Wald