Wheel spins

How many hours of playing do you think it will take to own all properties and cars in the game as it stands? How many hours of playing would you like it to take to get to that stage?

I’m not sure how many hours I’ve played it so far, but I think I’m around level 235 now, and progress is very slow because of how much more influence is needed to level up after 200. I still have the two castles, over 300 clothes/emotes/horns, and over 250 cars to collect. I reckon it will take hundreds of hours of playing to get all those.

yeah don’t know about the disappearing have over 400 hours in game and still get clothes more than any thing else and definitely spin duplicates

Just spun 20 wheel spins and came out with more clothes than a Primark store. Anyone else getting this?

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Game time onself it’s not that good indicate who mutch is played, i have 200 hours game time more than you but i have way mutch more influence than you have. And i dont belive in moment that you get clothes more than anything else, i have recorded almost 1000 wheelspins and every single time i got most money wheelspins on 100 wheelspin period of time. Those earliest wheelspins was closest when get like 40% cash and 33% clothing. now i get like 70-80% cash when have all clothing. And i would mutch raither take duplicate clothing than duplicate cars.

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It all evens out in the long run I think, I was getting all sorts of goodies and then it dried up. I got a 500,00 yesterday on a Super wheel spin, so its looking good again.

I admit it is frustrating to earn a white shirt in a wheelspin but I have also won a McLaren P1 among other things so it is random. Also I assume you cant win the same clothing item or emote twice so eventually your only going to be getting cars and credits.

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DONT COMPLAIN. Once you receive an emote, horn or clothing item it will NOT appear again in wheelspins. I have now collected all but 3 or 4 of those items so they are replaced with cash instead. Just collect them and go from there.


The wheelspins were worth a damn for just a little bit. [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D]. I almost feel like wheelspins should be removed theyre so terrible now.

And if they would do that and remove wheelspins and then most peoples will whine how hard is get money to all to cars and houses. 100 wheelspin gives 2-4m cr and bunch of cars, if you dont like wheelspins just dont spin them at all.

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I had 10 super wheel spins after buying Fairlawn Manor. I took the time and did all the wheel spins. I got 3 cars, around 800,000 in credits, and a whole lot of clothes, emotes and horns. I would say 90- 95% of the super wheel spins landed on the clothes, emotes and horns. Every wheel spin had at least 2 areas of clothing, emotes or horns. And two of those super wheel spins were all clothes, emotes and horns. In my view this is totally unacceptable. I’m not saying that I should hit large sums of money, and cars all the time, but when most of the super wheel spins is clothes, emotes and horns. I call this bogus garbage. 90% of the things I get on the wheel spins I will never use. And the worst thing is I can’t even sell this garbage. Why not set it up in shops around the map, where the player goes in and buys what they want, not receive a bunch of useless garbage that will never be used. As for the emotes, let the player go to a dance studio. Which could be placed around the map and pay to learn the moves they choose. As for the issue with the horn, the player could by it when they are upgrading their car. Have it set where the different horns become available at different levels.
This is really killing my desire to play the game. It seems every time I get a wheel spin, I don’t care to spin the wheel anymore. I already know I am going to get more useless garbage. I do get a nice spin every once in awhile.
I have owned and played every Forza Horizon that has come out. And htis one is making me regret spending the money I did to buy it. PLEASE FIX THE WHEEL SPIN ISSUE!!!

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I’d rather have a chance at 1k wheelspins as opposed to female clothing, or skinny jeans. Kinda surprised they don’t have baggy pants that hang half way down the but.


Is anyone who complaining wheelspins never think how mutch bigger prices those have than fh3 or fh2 wheelspin have? you couldnt get cars like bugatti veyron etc on fh2 and fh3 wheelspins and if i remember right fh3 best cash prize was 100k, in this fh4 even rare cash prizes gives over 100k. So sure you get clothes etc on wheelspins but you also win mutch more better prizes than previous horizon games.

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I could not agree more with the first two posts here. I really do not give a flying ——— if my driver can dance or is dressed right.

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I see the clothes as collectables, same as the driver suits in Forza 7


I made a female avatar on fh4 and all i get to pick from female-wise is skinny pants and mini shorts/skirts. Way to generalise/stereotype, art guys! lol

I hate the hats so much every single one of them looks complete rubbish hands down. Also the stupid plastic moustache. Its always fun knowing i have a (very high) chance to miss out on half a million credits of a forza edition car to a plastic moustache or a brown hat that looks like a cow pat… its SO rewarding… lol

I hear you, & the huge amount of clothing & emotes makes the future still dim. There’s like 50 hats, 50 shoes, etc. Way too much clothing…would have preferred these as micro-transactions instead of wheelspin related.

I would rather get 3 spins of 2,000 credits each, than get three spins of some garbage clothing item, horn or emote any day of the week.


I pretty much gave up on hoping for wheelspin cars. FE cars on the auction house are pretty cheap. I just picked up like 4 of the cheapest FE cars for 1.6 million.

It’s not just that cosmetic stuff is changed by credits when you have all cosmetic it’s also change that you get all the time just small cash prizes, like last 100 wheelspin that i recorded 80% of them was either cash prize 10k or less or duplicate cars and when i play with my old account now most those common cash prizes are 15k or more. And i stop playining on my main account just because my garage fill all the time with useless duplicate cars.


What I like: Super cars, sports cars, hyper cars, forza edition cars, tuner cars, mods, credits

What I do not like: skirts, heels, dresses, pink anything, stupid fad dances my 7 year old kids do, horn sounds other than the one the car actually comes with, etc… etc…

I’m a 40 year old man in a house full of women little kids mother in law living with us- point being I have A LOT of patience. A LOT. But I could BARELY keep from throwing my xbox controller as hard and fast as I could directly at my TV this morning after using my 3 super wheel spins. I’m not the only one that gets nothing but these stupid, useless, pathetic items that have zero place in my driving simulator? Go go boots? I just walked away from my game after deciding not to ruin my TV and controller to come here and vent. Imagine getting that elusive super wheel spin, clicking and watching the wheels slow and wiggle… and settled on a pink skirt instead of a HE Lamborghini.

I have a lot of cars. About 5-6 of which I actually WANT! The rest fill up my garage for fear of deleting a car I may need one day a year from now for a challenge. UGH!!

I’d buy more in the AH but for some reason every time I’m the winning bidder I magically get the message AUCTION LOST!!! THIS AUCTION HAS EXPIRED!!

No cars for you P4GTR. You have a life, so that hour or so a day if you’re lucky… You get to spend it driving that disgusting looking Renault 5 HE for the skills boost. FOREVER!!!


Pro tip for T10: I like racing sims to play with cars I can’t afford in real life, not cars I wouldn’t take for free!!!


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