I have had a couple issues with getting tossed from FH2 Online Freeroam and Road Trips both public and private…just up and disconnects for no reason. I’ve reset everything, done the complete log out, etc.
What perhaps is throwing me from playing with friends? Is it instability on their side? This has only started happening the last three days.
Thank you in advance for your help. Also, Forum trolls, I used search function and didn’t see anything I liked, therefore made a new topic. Thanks.
I’ve heard of a few instances here and there from other forum members and the only thing I can recommend that sounds like you’ve already done is a hard reboot of the Xbox One. That being holding the Xbox button on the console for 5-6 seconds until it shuts off, wait for the power light on the brick to go orange, unplug the brick from the back of the console, wait about 5-10 minutes, then plug it back in and start it back up. Other than that, I don’t know.
Thanks. Will try the “unbricking” one more time. I honestly waited over a year to buy the XB1, thinking that maybe issues like this wouldn’t be so on the new stuff. I understand it’s not console or maybe it is. I KNOW it’s not my internet, modem, or router.
Wait for the light on the external power pack to TOTALLY DRAIN, i.e., go dark. If it is a dim “orange” color, it still contains a charge, and as such is maintaining the console’s previous state. DRAIN IT totally, then try restarting the Xbox One.