I’m hoping that someone here has found or knows of a solution to the annoying loss of communication between XBox One and Cable Converter Boxes. I’ve just about had it with the inability of XBox One to truly integrate my AV equipment.
Even when I get a TV signal throughput - i get a continuously pausing interrupted programming which cannot be watched.
If you have not yet done so, turn the Xbox ones “instant on” mode off. Either that, or turn the xbox one off as you may normally do, and unplug it from the wall for a few minutes. Think of the Xbox one like you would a PC, sure you may keep it running for long periods of time, but a good cold boot can potentially solve a multitude of issues.
I find that if I make sure my cable box is on and I change channels on it before I ask the xbox one to switch to tv I get far fewer problems (most of the time zero problems).
If I turn the cable box on after I switch to tv on the xbox sometimes I am waiting a few minutes before it shows any picture. I have no idea why. But as I say cable box on first seems to get it working well.
I am documenting this for anyone else that does a search for help from a similar problem.
Well it turns out that my problem was the death of the HDMI Output on my Cable Converter Box.
I am a Bright House Networks customer and the particular converter box was the Scientific Atlanta HD DVR.
ONE IMPORTANT ITEM OF NOTE: The BrightHouse technician commented that there has been a noticeable incidence of loss of HDMI output on a number of the converter boxes on the local network that are connected by HDMI directly into the XBox One as instructed by the XBox One wiring diagrams. There is a suspicion that the failure of the converter box output is due to interactions with the XBox One.
My problem was not immediate loss of signal but a degradation over time leading to complete loss.
The trouble-shooting that was required to isolate the problem was simple. Disconnect the converter box output HDMI cable from the XBox One and connect it directly to the Televeision. Then, to verify that the problem was not the cable, I connected the Converter directly to the TV with an HDMI cable that i knew was good. No signal was transmitted from the cable converter to the television in either case. Verification of the function of the cable box was accomplished by switching the television input from HDMI to the Coax throughput from the converter.
That has happened to me more than once. Whenever I go to watch TV it shows that message for about 5 to 7 seconds before finally going to TV and I still don’t know what is up with that?