Welcome to the FRDT, fantasy painting booth

Some of our paints in fm5.

To find them in the game, tag : FRDT

Racing / Replica / Drift → Click

Website → http://teamfrdt.wix.com/frdt
In french for the moment, but an english version as soon as possible :wink:

Enjoy :wink:

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For future paints :wink:

Its nice to see the FRDT paints in one place, I have a couple of those paints, none from you specifically, yet. I will keep an eye on this thread.

agreed it’s nice to see all your guys work in 1 place, you are all very talented artists who have produced some of the best paints over the forza series, great work fellas and keep it up
and pat is that a wu tang wip there omg!!

I put my niche in a corner;)
good view Urus.
very beautiful rélisation of my compatiotes!

Thank’s Screechymon & Gr333nz.
Thank’s Pat, keep it clean :D. Sorry for the WIP :wink:

Not a surprise, the Wu Tang completed

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LOL,no probleme my friend :wink:

Who did the s2000, third from the top? I’ve searched and can’t find it on the share front. Some great paints in here. :slight_smile:

Thank’s & for the S2000. It’s FRDT Beepbeep, maybe you can find the layers group on his store front :wink:

Which Skyline is the Drunken Monkey on?

I think, it’s r33 :wink:

And day fresh paints :

Beepbeep : Detroit Police Replica

Original :

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hello the friend FRDT, beautiful work.

Smashing work lads, I particularly like the Detroit police car, oh I wish I’d had 3000 layers when I did the Detroit skyline design on Forza 4, I ran out way to soon… keep it up!

how many FRDT members painting at forza5?all design looks perfectly.very nice!!!
i got some designs.thanks!!

thx tomninnin ,you are the first and the best painter on FORZAMOTORSPORT,real…

Dark & Roo : Thank’s guys :wink:

Tom : Thank’s for them.
For the active painters, we have :

  • FRDT Beepbeep / FRDT Pepit / FRDT Flo & Pat the cat 0 ; for the moment :slight_smile:
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Amazing work.

Thanks Wizard

Some new paints, as usual tag FRDT in game to find.

Beepbeep :

Breaking Bad par Team FRDT / Power Of Painter, sur Flickr

Breaking Bad par Team FRDT / Power Of Painter, sur Flickr

Pepit :

Modball Rally #131 Death Shadow par Team FRDT / Power Of Painter, sur Flickr

Modball Rally #131 Death Shadow par Team FRDT / Power Of Painter, sur Flickr

Modball Rally #131 Death Shadow par Team FRDT / Power Of Painter, sur Flickr

Pat :

Underground par Team FRDT / Power Of Painter, sur Flickr

Underground par Team FRDT / Power Of Painter, sur Flickr

wow great art like Always frdt i like al ur paints …
its to bad we cant do collabs any more we did so manny in the past on fm 3 and 4
keep up the great work guys

respect !!!