Some of our paints in fm5.
To find them in the game, tag : FRDT
Racing / Replica / Drift → Click
Website →
In french for the moment, but an english version as soon as possible
Some of our paints in fm5.
To find them in the game, tag : FRDT
Racing / Replica / Drift → Click
Website →
In french for the moment, but an english version as soon as possible
For future paints
Its nice to see the FRDT paints in one place, I have a couple of those paints, none from you specifically, yet. I will keep an eye on this thread.
agreed it’s nice to see all your guys work in 1 place, you are all very talented artists who have produced some of the best paints over the forza series, great work fellas and keep it up
and pat is that a wu tang wip there omg!!
I put my niche in a corner;)
good view Urus.
very beautiful rélisation of my compatiotes!
Thank’s Screechymon & Gr333nz.
Thank’s Pat, keep it clean :D. Sorry for the WIP
Not a surprise, the Wu Tang completed
LOL,no probleme my friend
Who did the s2000, third from the top? I’ve searched and can’t find it on the share front. Some great paints in here.
Thank’s & for the S2000. It’s FRDT Beepbeep, maybe you can find the layers group on his store front
Which Skyline is the Drunken Monkey on?
I think, it’s r33
And day fresh paints :
Beepbeep : Detroit Police Replica
Original :
hello the friend FRDT, beautiful work.
Smashing work lads, I particularly like the Detroit police car, oh I wish I’d had 3000 layers when I did the Detroit skyline design on Forza 4, I ran out way to soon… keep it up!
how many FRDT members painting at forza5?all design looks perfectly.very nice!!!
i got some designs.thanks!!
thx tomninnin ,you are the first and the best painter on FORZAMOTORSPORT,real…
Dark & Roo : Thank’s guys
Tom : Thank’s for them.
For the active painters, we have :
Amazing work.
Thanks Wizard
Some new paints, as usual tag FRDT in game to find.
Beepbeep :
Breaking Bad par Team FRDT / Power Of Painter, sur Flickr
Breaking Bad par Team FRDT / Power Of Painter, sur Flickr
Pepit :
Modball Rally #131 Death Shadow par Team FRDT / Power Of Painter, sur Flickr
Modball Rally #131 Death Shadow par Team FRDT / Power Of Painter, sur Flickr
Modball Rally #131 Death Shadow par Team FRDT / Power Of Painter, sur Flickr
Pat :
Underground par Team FRDT / Power Of Painter, sur Flickr
Underground par Team FRDT / Power Of Painter, sur Flickr