We Need A List From T10 of What's Coming for F5

I know there are a lot of requests for features out there and each day I see even more, most of which people have been asking for since F5’s release. Is there an official list of what is in the pipeline to be added to F5? If not I’d like to suggest one. It would put a lot of minds at ease to know that features they’re hoping for are being worked on. In the same vein it would end a lot of the guessing if we were told which features that are commonly asked for have no real hope making their way into Forza 5.
I’d love the ability to create custom public lobbies, but that’s a definite no-go then I’d rather know about it (and perhaps even why it was nixed after being in F4) than to keep on wondering and hoping for something the devs may already know isn’t going to happen.
I’m not asking for industry secrets, just some straightforward communication from T10 to us, your fans and customers.


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I haven’t had a lot of time for the forums these days but one thing I do notice, when I do have time, I do see multiple threads asking for “features” or “updates” or “tracks” or “info”…

Best we can do is post in here…:


…and hope that our requests are met when Turn 10 is ready to deliver.

One thing I wanted to mention about why some other industries DON’T reveal their plans over a long period of time; their competitors often come around looking to take advantage of their revealed plans. Also, companies like to make sure things work (or if they’re even possible) before revealing them. I’m NOT saying that Turn 10 works this way but it’s something to consider. I know the industry I work for works this way.

I’m sure Turn 10 has some goodies for us over the next year. This is why I don’t bother with feature requests, or even track requests. I make car requests due to my car passion but I stop that pretty quick after the game’s launch. Some exceptions (like cars I miss) but that’s it. I’m sure Turn 10 is smart enough to know what the true fans want.

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I agree with AudibleJam509. As much as I’d love to hear what is happening throughout the year for FM5 - it’s just better left to our suprise, I’d rather see some awesome news pop up out of no-where then be waiting on end till a particular date for a certain car or feature to be released!


T10 needs to set itself further apart from the competition. You cannot compete by being the same.

As for protecting/guarding what’s to come up in the future . . . well GT6 already has much of what FM5 offers + has Red Bull F1 concept, MB concept, that new Toyota F1 thing, night racing, wet racing, snow racing, rally, hey wait/stop . . . If anything, PD has much more to lose. And T10 shows NO motivation for going in that direction. And PD shows NO motivation to learn from T10. FM5 is technically superior while GT6 is content rich.

Getting back to the OP, I also wish to see the plans for the future. In this day of wild on-line speculations, rumours, hypes, and inevitable disappointments it is becoming increasingly important to be more transparent. T10, mind you, have absolutely no reasons to do so. T10 is a profit making corporation and it is up to them. But keeping your fans informed and engaged can, I believe, alleviate much of the negativity.

Being open and upfront builds trust. Imagine the responses if T10 revealed all of the features or lack thereof right from the beginning WITH reasons/logic behind it. I think more people would be understanding. Once the company starts guarding/stashing away information until the last minute, the strategy gets old very quick and more often than not leads to excess hype + disppointment = disillusionment. One only needs to look at last 2 car packs.

In contrast, look at Project CARS. They may not be as big as FM/GT franchises but they announce their developments; to the point where I have no idea what they are talking about. But I see the new cars being released, new tracks being released, cars/tracks getting updated, etc. I know they have weather, I know they have day/night, I know which cars are in. I know I will be able to run '67 Lotus 49 on old Spa . . . I don’t need to be surprised! I don’t WANT to be surprised. But I am already engaged, hooked, and anticipating! And I have no complaints because I feel I am well informed.

T10 is technically doing a great job! T10’s PR or MS PR needs to learn from the competition and do something different than what they have been doing for last 5 years. Please, stop this last minute mediocre news, wrapped up in shiny packaging, nonsense.