My friend and I like to play in private lobbies against a full stack of computers, that way we can both get gold. However I’m usually quite a bit ahead of him and the computers. I almost always finish 1st and have to end up waiting for him to get close enough so that the timeout timer (usually set to 30 seconds) doesn’t DNF him and he can still get gold. Is there a way to make it where whichever place he finished in after the end race timer goes off is what he would get rewarded with? For instance, if I finish 1st and the timer counts down and he doesn’t finish but he is in 2nd when the timer finishes, he would get 2nd? Its not a big deal waiting for him but when he’s behind a few computers it complicates things, hoping there is a solution to this.
Thanks a Lot!,
PS: I know its possible to increase the end race timer, and if thats the only solution I might have to resort to that but I’d rather not.