Want to tandem but I can't 😢

I have always enjoyed doing a nice door to door but as of this last month it would seem I no longer know how to tune. If you are willing to aid me in the process there is nothing I would rather do more than tandem side by side, literally. GT is BLUNTmasterSHEF, friends call me BLUNT, closed friends call me derek. Hope to add some of you all and actually enjoy this game!

I’m at work right now, but you can add me. I’ll be down to help you out. XxDeLegendxX

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What views do you use. I only run cockpit view and would love to tandem but it’s difficult as I can’t see where the others are. If I use the view/look around button to look out the window it looks cool and all but it totally throws me off my slide and it all goes to pieces.

I use the hood for that exact reason, 3rd person I cannot do at all. I have always done it at the hood though, so not sure what’s going on.

normally have some good lobbies give me an add, AoM Eikon

I want to learn to tandem badly. I can definitely help you out with tuning and such though. Add me if you want.

Although I don’t tandem, I did recently put my tuning method up on the forum. The cars are easy to slide and can be used on a wide variety of cars. Here is the link to a vid and my forum post…


GT is Senistr

I should be on this weekend and can always jump on Forza to jump in a lobby or help tune on a car. There might be the possibility of a car already tuned and I can tell you the tune, how to drift it, and why it is set up that way.

I’ll jump on this bandwagon. Feel free to add me and send a message about it, GT is Cody Ghastface.