Wall riding Enough Already

I am fairly new to these forums, if this topic has been beat to death my apologies. Is there an achievement for getting a fast lap time by riding the walls? I just don’t get it, if you are doing it just to have fun, then go and do it on free play. I guess for some people that’s the only way they can win a race, but it’s nothing to brag about. Maybe the brilliant minds at turn 10 studios could have incorporated something into the track to prevent this. I just needed to vent a little bit, by no means is this going to keep me from racing

dont take maters into your own hands on the track… i made that mistake and you can get suspended for it. its mostly alps. when alps come up just take a bathroom break or something and every time alps comes up vote for the other track. if the lobby keeps going for alps you know what kind of people are in that lobby, get out of it and find a different lobby. wall riding is the only chance people that cant race have of winning and dirty players will jump at the chance. you dont really want to stay in a room where they think racing clean is for suckers.

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1 - A simple search would gave you over 20 pages with the mentions of “wall riding”.
2 - The only track where wall-riding can do good is Bernese. Even then, most people using this tactics are slow, and easy to catch-up.

Bernese is one of my favorite tracks, i’m not going to skip it because of some bad apples. Like I said before, it’s not going to keep me from racing , and I hate lobby jumping. I just think the makers of the game could have prevented this, but it is what it is I guess

i also like the alps, if you remember the names of people who are wall riding and block them you will stop seeing it, i don’t get that much anymore.

Wall riders aren’t coming in first; they’re fighting for Bronze. Doesn’t bother me. If they’re playing bumper cars over the rest of the track, oh well. There’ll be plenty of clean races out there for me, now that we’ve got some no-collision lobbies and a few timed-event races that outlast most racers’ available time commitments. In the meantime, I get to practice recovering from the bumps and spins that go along with racing with the overly ambitious.

Unfortunately, 6 month after release, and thread upon thread complaining about these wall riders shows that the complaint are falling on deaf ears. If it was going to be fixed, it would have already.

ive said it before - all that is needed is the same wall pattern on the main straight of Sebring. Try wall riding the left hand wall and you’ll see it can be prevented

I have NEVER been beaten by a wall rider on Alps. At best, their coming in the middle of the pack.

At worst, they’re an annoyance and tend to have little regard for other drivers as they plow into the corners at a full clip but I promise you that wall riding is NOT the fastest way around Alps.



I had this close race for 2nd (1st was total over kill (leaderbord car/tune/driver) and a few laps and on the last corner I knew I had him and I finshed 3rd and i was like “what the!” i saved the replay and I saw he wall rided the last turn so he could beat me.

I usually Block them, in the Lobby Menu select their name and go to gamercard and there is a tab saying Block somewhere towards mid to bottom and Block them, when you block them you will not be able to hear them in chat or party chat and they cant hear you also when you are searching for a game since he is blocked the game will make sure that you will not end up in the same lobby as him. i use this to all wall riders or hardcore crashers and now to this day i very rarely see dirty drivers or rude people. Its kind of like a way of filtering lol and trust me after a few days of doing this your experiance online will improve amazingly.Also most wall riders i see they go way to fast into the turn and when they slam the wall or rail they flip or their car is on their side and they get stuck ther for the rest of the game and it is very funny to see such failure lol.


Best thing to do is block and report for unsporting behavior.

Haven’t raced the alps in forever or the pointless indy oval and test track… cant be doing with it… and the cutting the last corner on spa is a ball ache… your about to beat you fastest lap and it gets dirtied by a cheat… damn all corner cutters for that fact… le mans, atlanta, top gear and indy gp…

Just friend people on the game… when theres enough of you to fill a lobby just set up private lobbies. No grief then. Plus you can set your laps damage etc… much better…


The Alps is a beautiful track that is fun and easy to learn but difficult to master, imo it is one of the best in the game, you shouldn’t have to avoid this map online, T10 made it probably from scratch for FM4. There should just be a lip somewhere on the outside walls of these corners, hitting that and stopping dead in their tracks will keep people off the walls a lot better than blocking them and moving the problem away from you.

Also this isn’t just an Alps problem, I’m not going to name the other track that I know of for obvious reasons, but there’s more than just the Alps.

If I see people within 2 seconds of me wall riding, I’ll just wall ride too and make them look silly.

nice one!! Give them more reason to do it.

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The only track where I notice it a lot is the Indy Oval but that track rarely comes up when I play it online.

They need to add physical friction to cars and environments. I am very sure that wall riding on a straight wall versus a curved one would not react the same. On a curved wall it should not magnetize smoothly gently slide with minimal slow down. It should violently catch a tire, fender, shake the suspention, and twist the chasis of a car. Like this for example Legends Car Hits Wall Hard
Better than stinky grass.

Iran my personal best lap the other night. Top 200 maybe 250 and I came in second place. A low rider beat me by two seconds a lap. I am not going to Wal ride just to beat him it’s not much of a win if you have to cheat. Just saying