I love the monthly rivals and look forward to them every month, but it seems that the same people (WHO I WONT MENTION) every month they find the places in the track to purposely ram into a certain wall or walls and u cant beat them unless u do the same!!! I for one refuse to do it cause I see it as cheating. So is there anything turn 10 can do to stop there times from counting. They are always in the top 5 or so but only on the rivals where they can do the wall ride. thanks
There really is nothing they can do about people taking cars and smashing into you. My advice is to drive aggressively. If they look like they are getting ready to ram you just hit the brakes or do something that causes them to crash themselves without you having to hit them. Tere is a difference between being aggressive and being a jerk. Sadly many do not see the difference.
I think if Turn 10 was going to do anything about it, they would have done so already. Personally… I’m with you. There is nothing more sickening for me to go into my rivals and see that the guy that just beat my time did a bit of wall surfing. I refuse to get a better time from doing it, if someone is so desperate to get a great time they feel the need to, good for them. Their argument will be if it wasn’t meant to be done, it wouldn’t be in the game. Sucks still though
What exactly is wrong with driving your car next to the wall and wall riding?
If you’ve ever actually tried it, riding the wall tends to slow you down and throw the car in weird ways quite a bit. The fact that they can do this and still be faster than you… Some of them are actually quite talented drivers even when they don’t wall ride.
Personally, I don’t wall ride but I fail to see why you would classify it as cheating. There is nothing wrong with wall riding, it doesn’t necessarily give them any distinct advantage, and if that’s how they wish to play the game then let them. If you believe that they suddenly become much faster because of wall riding, then I would like to point out that the option is also available to you.
Cheating: to deceive by trickery, swindle, defraud, to mislead, to act dishonestly, to deliberately violate the rules - as far as the verb goes.
They didn’t deceive, trick, swindle, or defraud anyone. They didn’t purposefully mislead anyone and many of the people you claim wall ride don’t try to hide the fact. I have yet to see any rules in Forza Horizon 2 that directly prohibit wall riding. In fact the people that break the rules that are outlined in the Xbox Live Terms of Use tend to get themselves banned. Seeing as the developers have not banned these wall riders, there is no rules they have broken by doing so.
One could argue they have acted dishonestly, but again, they tend to be rather open about it, you can watch their replay and see it happen, and it really isn’t dishonest. You simply built a car to handle well and stay on the road, they built one with tons of power and less handling and use the wall on the side of the road to help them out. Find these guys on courses they can’t wall ride on, and they’re still usually similarly ranked on the leaderboard.
I may not agree with it, but I wouldn’t go as far as to call them cheaters.
I know it has been brought up in during the streams on Tuesday and that they’re aware of it. There’s one club that I won’t name but there’s wallriding going on on every track it is possible and if not then they find ways to bounce their cars off wall or even trees in order to give them an advantage (which to me and many others is rather cheating)
Also PPi on your cheating examples I would say bouncing their cars off trees in certain ways is trickery and then falls under cheating.
But anyway, that’s as far as I’m going on this topic as I would rather not get too involved.
Im sorry but to believe there is no distinct advantage to wall riding is to be completely delusional, just look at sisteron if you want to see how much time you can gain by using the walls instead of driving proper through the turn,it is massive, sometimes 2,3, even 4 or more seconds difference. I just don’t understand I guess
If you have the accurate gamertag, in the Xbox One Dashboard, go to Friends, in the left column use either “Recent Players” or “Find someone” and put the tag in there.
The reporting system sends the information directly to the Xbox Live Policy Enforcement Team (PET), which will investigate, maybe even visit and observe the offender during gaming sessions, and then ban that person from not just a single game but Xbox LIVE itself. It also is recorded against their reputation.
Snowowl was a bit too hasty with the copy/paste. His post is clearly referencing multiplayer activity - this topic is about Rivals (single player mode).
Finding shortcuts and crashing through or off other things is a BIG PART of Forza Horizon’s overall gameplay. Not much point in reporting someone for playing the game the way it was designed.
I don’t agree that wallriding and crashing off things to gain an advantage is part of the overall gameplay / game design.
If the comeback is well there is no such thing as a dirty lap then the same justification could be used for lots of other activities where there is no in game discouragement from doing them, some of which are reportable offences.
So whilst wallriding is not reportable I do not believe it is playing the game as per the way the game is designed.
The game isn’t designed as FM5 its designed as Horizon was, now think about it, in Horizon if a shortcut was present you took it simple enough, yet there’s no complaints on it cause the goal is to win. Bouncing off a wall isn’t cheating and is part if the game design cause if it wasn’t then it wouldn’t have happened. Your given open roads and field where you can skip an ENTIRE chunk of map and yet still win and count, its not track based so therefore can be used to your advantage. If having open space where such things us allowed then Horizon 2 wouldn’t be the game for you. Now I can understand modding or flying etc but wall riding isn’t really a reason to well complain. Some cars naturally can’t turn for crap so you do what you can to make it work. I race with TC off so I hit walls in my venom a lot but it wouldn’t classify me as cheating just cause that wall saved me would it? Nope. But that’s my opinion.
I imagine it depends on how one views the game as a whole.
To me, it’s an open-world free-for-all. You’re racing with random cross- and oncoming- traffic; plowing through fields; knocking over lamp-posts, benches, scooters… whatever is in your way; if you can find a shortcut, or a quicker route around some trees or between a couple buildings, or launching your car over an obstacle… woo hoo!
I’m approaching a turn: I can hit the brakes and go around the cafe’s outdoor tables and chairs, or… I can plow through them, using the impact to slow me down enough to make the turn (as well as cut a better apex).
Is that considered cheating? To me, that is no different than bouncing off a tree or wall or guardrail or “civilian car” or any of the other non-typical-race elements.
I’m sure other folks view it more as track-racing in an open world; and ONLY drive on the roads; and try as hard as possible to avoid signs, benches, posts, etc; and completely skip any race that involves going off-road. In which case, sure, I can see how that person would consider bouncing off a wall to be cheating.
To me, though, it just doesn’t seem like that is the design of the game.
Firstly I try to avoid knocking over stuff. Why? Because it slows me down. So I am always trying to find the line that is not touching things like tables and chairs, lamp posts etc.
Do I ever use anything that slows me down to help me? No.
To me having contact with anything that takes control of the car away from me is not how I play the game and to me is not a game feature or design feature. To me playing the game requires me to be in control of the car at all times and not using environmental features to help me.
Do I take shortcuts that sometimes hit tables and chairs? Yes but I am not using the tables and chairs as brakes or something that helps keep me keep on line. I just hit them because they are in the way.
Also I just want to point out that I am not and have not criticised wallriders. I promote what I call clean driving and I don’t understand the motivation to do otherwise but I have not criticised wallriders. I don’t want people misinterpreting what I am saying.
Yeah, nothing wrong with liking to play a game in one way, and encouraging others to play the same way.
Anyone who has ever raced against me in FM knows that I like clean and fair.
But, honestly… when a game gives you points for smashing stuff, and includes random other traffic that you have to avoid - and I mean cross traffic, head-on traffic, cars stopping and turning in front of you, etc, I don’t mean AI racers on a track… With all of that, I cannot bring myself to take it seriously.
To me, FH is a silly, smash-em-up, frantic willy-nilly scramble through streets, dirt, fields, forests, just-have-fun-careening-around, play-it-when-you-don’t-care-about-racing video game.
I don’t believe I could care less about someone bouncing off a wall.
I suspect its all influenced by what racing game exposure we have. On the 360 I played almost every racing game that came out including the most arcade of them all.
To me Horizon is not that arcade. Games like Full Auto, some of the Burnouts and some of the NFS games and others I forget are way more arcade.
Gamers with more of a sim background view Horizon as out and out arcade but in my opinion in the full spectrum its somewhere in the middle.
I think we can be certain the issue won’t go away so my advice to those who are bothered by it is try to ignore it and just enjoy the game your way. Just compete with your own times or other like minded players and let the others enjoy the game their way.
If you have ever watched slalom skiing the idea is to get from the top of the course to the bottom in the quickest time through the gates.
RIVALS is exactly that, drive through each checkpoint as fast and quick as possible. If it means taking a cut through trees or wall ride then so be it.
Horizon doesn’t have ‘clean lap’ scenario that ForzaMotorsport has therefore you should adopt a different style of play.