Virus - Gamemode

I like current Virus lobbies but I played Motorsport 4 and liked playing virus on Indianapolis and Top Gear. Please bring back Virus and let’s play it on ovals. The more options the better.

The Virus - gamemode should take place on the race tracks like in Forza Motorsport 4, having the same environment for every round is repetitive and therefore makes no fun.

The Airfield Test Track is great imo. But you’re right it’s very repetitive. I too would love to see them bring Virus back to tracks like in FM4. One thing though is that if the lobby size stays capped with 24 players, that would seem like a bit too many for a small track like the tiny Monsterrat Mini area from FM4.

I did make a post similar to this, but not specified to Virus returning to tracks (it was more focused on adding new open areas or ovals), but yes it would be nice to get back the old style of Virus, as long as we have larger ovals or areas to play around with and aren’t limited to one open area.

What would be nice is if the public hopper could read the data for the number of players in queue and rotate tracks/areas according to the lobby size. This could keep the chaos to a minimum, and suggest smaller tracks for a lower lobby size while suggesting larger tracks/areas for a larger lobby size.


Having played Virus consistently since the introduction of the Airfield map in Forza 5, Tag modes have definitely become repetitive. Revisiting the ‘olden days’ of Forza when Virus was hosted on a broad assortment of racetracks, and miscellaneous, arcade-style game-modes juxtaposed the thrill of a simulation driving experience delivered by circuit racing would be a much-needed break from the same-old same-old we’ve had since 2013.

However, returning to tracks isn’t imperative, a map change is.

It’s to go without saying that I love the Airfield dearly, and that I think its map design is optimal for Virus. One thing I always loved about Motorsport’s tag modes more than Horizon’s Playground Games was that the Airfield used an asphalt surface as opposed to dirt, gravel, and bleh water. Off-road environments with agitating obstacles strewn around the map (as seen in Horizon 5’s ‘Ek Balam’ location) had a great portion of the Playground Games community scrambling for refuge in older Horizon titles such as 2 & 3 where asphalt-surfaced maps were popular. My takeaway is that asphalt is the way to go, and, through observing the reaction the Horizon community had to the rather sudden map changes, it isn’t far-fetched to assume the same would result within the Motorsport community if an off-road map were introduced.

While, yes, a map redesign is urgent, the new map should be an all-asphalt map similar to the Airfield. Switching to an off-road surface would dissuade much of the community from returning to the new game, choosing instead to play older titles. Circuits being the basis for Tag modes in the new Forza Motorsport would be nostalgic and cool, but I would also be content with a map redesign simply to give myself and others a break from the Test Track.


I would be content if they kept the Airfield as it is but had prop displacement and variants to vote on such as having some hangars closed (sometimes) or blocked off sections of buildings. Adding new Airfields and large concrete spaces like large ovals would be next level for Virus though, and more areas/options to pick, the better.

A redesign or update is a bonus too if they stick to the same Airfield Test Track. I’m just hoping they add one or two more open areas (Benchmark?) and hoping they give us different building prop placements to vote on at the same time within each map (variant).

While track virus gameplay is great, as you said the off-road element might make for a certain play style that some might not enjoy and require All-Wheel Drivetrain.

Above all, the idea of a hopper reading the number of players in lobby queue would really assist balancing the chaotic frequency of high numbers on a track at the same time. This is why open areas work better with higher numbers and make more sense (atm) without a player number analysis in real time. Once this is possible, track tag has potential to be balanced. My personal best opinion is to have 2-3 open areas (Airfields Test Track/Benchmark) playable in high rotation along with 1-2 ovals (One small, One larger) in light rotation to vote on.


Airfield was fun. Benchmark was better from FM4 tho. Bring them back the community wants it.

Idk if this is the right place to post this but the vast majority of the people I know and play Motorsport with are only interested in tag virus A class or cat and mouse. We host private lobby car and mouse on fm7 still to this day. Really in my opinion, tag virus is and was one of the only reasons most people who actually play forza for years on end play. I cannot stand tag on test track, i yearn for tag like the Motorsport 4 days. Really looking forward to the new Motorsport in hopes that we can see the return of tag virus A class on racetracks again, the return of cat and mouse lobbies. I know many people share the same sentiment.

Hey there. I’ve seen this posted a few times and fully agree. However, there’s more threads with upvotes already posted and that have good feedback responses. I’ll link you them so that you can vote with those in favor.

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Tag virus back on tracks

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I vote in favor of this as well.

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Bring back tag on tracks and not the airport.


Bring back fm4 virus

Play Horizon…

Only if I’d known they would not be bringing back tag drag or drift lobbies I would have not bought the game and rather opted to just play on game pass. It’s such a shame as the Forza Motorsport and horizon games continue the developers continue to take more and more available options that made the game fun away I literally have 12 million dollars in this game and cannot upgrade a car I’m so disappointed

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I pre purchased the game and couldn’t be more disappointed, I feel super ripped off. I’m part of the Tag community.