Virtual Motorsports Forza 5 DLC Giveaway Week!
Courtesy of Turn 10, Virtual Motorsports has been given the opportunity to giveaway some DLC car packs for Forza Motorsport 5 on the Xbox One. This is a fantastic opportunity for Virtual Motorsports members and also those who are apart of the social media community involved with Virtual Motorsports.
I have decided to use the codes sent to us to hold a ‘Giveaway Week’, in which multiple competitions will be held on the forum, and on the VM Twitter & Facebook sites at various times across the week, to ensure our worldly audience gets an equal and fair shot at winning something throughout the week!
Prizes to be given away:
- 6 x codes for the Forza 5 Smoking Tire Pack - Launched February 2014
- 6 x codes for the Forza 5 IGN Car Pack - Launched January 2014
- 6 x codes for the LaFerrari Car Pack - Launched November 2013
To be in with a chance of winning a free Forza 5 DLC Car Pack, be on the lookout for these competitions below!
Forza 5 Smoking Tire Car Pack Giveaway:
Code 1 - Virtual Motorsports Twitter Release: Code Released Wednesday 12th February @ 20:00 GMT / 14:00 CST / 06:00 AEST
Code 2 - Virtual Motorsports Twitter Release: ‘‘Follow & RT’’ Competition starts Wednesday 12th February @ 21:00 GMT / 15:00 CST & Runs for 48 Hours
Code 3 - Virtual Motorsports Facebook Release: Code Released Thursday 13th February @ 20:00 CST / 02:00 GMT (FRI) / 12:00 AEST
Code 4 - Virtual Motorsports Facebook Release: ‘‘Like & Share’’ Competition starts Wednesday 12th February @ 21:00 GMT / 15:00 CST & Runs for 48 Hours
Code 5 - Virtual Motorsports Forum Question (A): Go To Thread Here
Code 6 - Virtual Motorsports Guess The Car (A): Go To Thread Here
Forza 5 IGN Car Pack Giveaway:
Code 1 - Virtual Motorsports Twitter Release: Code Released Wednesday 12th February @ 23:30 GMT / 17:30 CST / 09:30 AEST
Code 2 - Virtual Motorsports Twitter Release: ‘‘Follow & RT’’ Competition starts Friday 14th February @ 20:00 GMT / 14:00 CST & Runs for 24 Hours
Code 3 - Virtual Motorsports Facebook Release: Code Released Saturday 15th February @ 20:00 CST / 02:00 GMT (SUN) / 12:00 AEST
Code 4 - Virtual Motorsports Facebook Release: ‘‘Like & Share’’ Competition starts Friday 14th February @ 20:00 GMT / 14:00 CST & Runs for 24 Hours
Code 5 - Virtual Motorsports Forum Question (B): Go To Thread Here
Code 6 - Virtual Motorsports Guess The Car (B): Go To Thread Here
Forza 5 LaFerrari Car Pack Giveaway:
Code 1 - Virtual Motorsports Twitter Release: Code Released Thursday 13th February @ 22:00 GMT / 16:00 CST / 08:00 AEST
Code 2 - Virtual Motorsports Twitter Release: ‘‘Follow & RT’’ Competition starts Saturday 15th February @ 23:00 GMT / 17:00 CST & Runs for 24 Hours
Code 3 - Virtual Motorsports Facebook Release: Code Released Sunday 16th February @ 18:00 GMT / 12:00 CST / 04:00 AEST
Code 4 - Virtual Motorsports Facebook Release: ‘‘Like & Share’’ Competition starts Saturday 15th February @ 23:00 GMT / 17:00 CST & Runs for 24 Hours
Code 5 - Virtual Motorsports Forum Question (C): Go To Thread Here
Code 6 - Virtual Motorsports Guess The Car (C): Go To Thread Here
Competition Breakdown
What is a ‘Code Released’?
At the specific time posted, give or take 5 minutes, a code for the aformentioned Forza 5 car pack will appear on either the Virtual Motorsports Facebook or Virtual Motorsports Twitter page, so make sure you have it added!
What is a ‘‘Follow & RT’’ Competition?
For this you will need a Twitter account. At the aformentioned time, a picture regarding the specific car pack giveaway will appear on the Virtual Motorsports Twitter page. To be eligible to win the code, all you need to do is Retweet (RT) the image and ensure you are following Virtual Motorsports also. All accounts who qualify will be entered into a randomizer to determine the winner, where the code will be sent privately to that account.
What is a ‘‘Like & Share’’ Competition?
This is a very similar competition but takes place on Facebook. For this you will need to ‘Like’ and also ‘Share’ a picture/status which will appear on the Virtual Motorsports Facebook page for the specific Forza 5 Car Pack. Ensure this is done within the 24-48 hour time limit and again all who qualify will be entered into a randomiser and the winner will be gifted the code via inbox to their FB account.
Forum Question Competitions
Much like the Porsche DLC Giveaway, there will be Forum Question posted and linked to, for Virtual Motorsports forum members to enter. This event is restricted to community members who have signed up to the forums before this FM5 Code Giveaway became live however. There will be one easy-to-answer question where the best three answers will be given the opportunity to win one of three DLC Codes. The Q&A will be judged by myself, Xess & Koenigsegg R.
Once up, this competition will run until Sunday evening, with the winners announced Monday 17th February.
Guess The Car
Old school Virtual Motorsports members will remember this little gem. There are three photo’s to be posted in a seperate competition thread, titled A, B and C. Each picture will correspond to which pack code it will gift if you are correct and picked as the winner. If multiple people guess correctly the car, a randomiser will be used to determine the sole winner. This competition will run until Sunday evening, with the winners announced Monday 17th February. Only Hellbringer knows the answers, and will not budge for any amount of beer or chocolate.
You may guess each photo once in the thread, and please do not edit your answer once it has been made.
Useful Links:
Virtual Motorsports Facebook
Virtual Motorsports Twitter
FM5 Forum Question Link
FM5 Guess The Car Competition Link
Good Luck and have fun!