Vip Gone, and A lot of my bonus content?

So my forza account data has been deleted almost three times. Every single time i just restart and all my bonus content is already downloaded so it just came along with me every time. The last time it got deleted probably from me messing around with saves and such i just deleted the game and quit, slowly but surely i wanna come back yet in the marketplace i will have to repay for my vip even tho iv already had it. Same with day1edition stuff and that. Is there anyway forza won’t be a dick for once and some how get this back?

Download all the DLC you have from your download history.

All DLC is attached to your GT and can be downloaded from your download history like Gonzo said.

Otherwise - stop messing with saves and deleting things when you obviously have no idea what they are. This is user error and nothing to do with Forza - if your want to keep your save data DO NOT mess with it in any way.