Vinyl Groups vs. Designs

So I’m pretty new to the whole media/art side of Forza but I thought if I’d be playing online it might be fun to have some fun with how my car looks. So i made a few vinyl groups shared them then also shared the designs or finished product once i put it on the car. I have some downloads for both, and just have a couple questions. How many uses do you need per day to start getting credits for the designs. my other question is about vinyl groups and if you can get credits from people downloading and using those as well? Also is there a way when applying vinyls to ignore the car sections so if you have a large vinyl you don’t have to try and line the vinyl up if it stretches from the hood down the right or left side?

Unfortunately you have to line things up from panel to panel. It takes 150 uses across your designs in one day to begin earning credits. I have no idea as for vinyl groups. Good luck here mate and enjoy!

Thanks a lot! yeah the lining anything up panel to panel is super annoying as everything gets distorted around curves and there’s usually a ton of glare right at the line up point.

Two things to help with the glare & getting panels aligned is to both paint the entire car in matte paint (special paints far right which comes as default in red but you can still use the X button to change it whatever color) & clicking in left stick allows you to zoom in.

Once I found those two things it solved both of those issues. Also you can always change any vinyl back to gloss by changing the paint under-neath back to a gloss paint. Remember, just because a car is painted black doesn’t mean you cant cover the entire thing in white vinyl.

Left stick zooms in! wow now i feel retarded…

" just because a car is painted black doesn’t mean you cant cover the entire thing in white vinyl"

or you could just paint it matte white? lol sorry had to

I did not know this. Useful

Its ok, everyone was a beginner at some point. I know about the distortion thing! I had to tool with the Shell logo on the front of my latest Alfa so much grrr.