**VFD Season 5 Official Thread**

Official Website:

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VFD 2014 Rule Book

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VFD Pro Points

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Cars Banned

VFD Schedule

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Season 5 Sections

Update Section
VFD Driver Search: Dates are TBA or this is not fully confirmed.

FMWDC or Known as Virtual Redbull will be pushed to the end of season 5


The Daiguren

SO Spitsy

Dwight J

Season 5 Section video

Pro Rec is renamed the VFD Provisional

How to obtain a VFD Provisional: A Driver must take the VFD Provisional Qualification Test.Requirements to pass the test is to complete 5 of the 7 track with the task below:

  • Must maintain above the normal speed
    -Run the course line
    -Can do section provided for the current season
    -Must be able to lead and follow
    If the test is failed.Drivers must wait 30 days before taking the test again.


Cars un-banned:
Dodge 1999 Viper GTS ACR

Holden 2011 GTS

Holden HSV W427

Lotus Carlton

Maserati Ghibi Cup

Mercedes 190 e 2.2 16 Evolution

Mercedes C32 AMG

Mercedes SL65 Black Series

Subaru Impreza 22b STI

Vauxhall VX220 Turbo

Nissan 1993 MINE’S R32 Skyline GT-R

Nissan 2002 MINE’S R34 Skyline GT-R

BMW 2002 M3-GTR

Downloaded cars:
Drivers need to have all DLC packs downloaded. There is a trial version to each pack for free which allows people to see cars they do not have.If you happy with looking at a black Volkswagen, then that’s fine. It will not be the judges fault if contact happens because you can’t see the car.

This is up for discussion.

Update:March 19,2014
Section 1.1
-Speed is removed from Judging
-Tiebrakers will be determined by the driver worse run,style Points,and speed.

Section 1.2
Qualifying points





Section 1.4

-Strike Rule is removed


  • Spinning out

  • Clear straightening or losing drift (Losing drift and reinitiating quickly is a major deduction, but not a zero. Judges will determine if an zero should happen)

  • 3 or more tires off course at the same time

  • Hood, hatch and/or doors open during a run

The following items constitute and automatic zero or deduction in tandem:

  • 3 or more wheels off course at the same time= Zero

  • Straightening= Deduction

  • Hitting a cone or course marker= Deduction

  • Double entry= Zero

  • Abrupt stop= Zero

  • Stalling= Zero

  • Resulting contact causes an abrupt change in the vehicles drift and/or causes a spin= Zero

Section 1.5
Protest will be allowed starting in the Great 8 to Finals.Each driver will receive one card to protest upon any non subjective items.Items are below:

  • Tire drops

  • 3 or more wheels off course at the same time

  • Straightening

  • Hitting a cone or course marker

  • Double entry

  • Abrupt stop

  • Stalling

  • Resulting contact causes an abrupt change in the vehicles drift and/or causes a spin

If drifters want to submit a card.Each event a forum thread will be made on the VFD Forums.At the end of each round,judges will go to the site to look through any cards that were submitted before the start of the next round of elimination.

when does this start

i think i may run this for fun…always a good time

Dates are in the OP

sup daiguren, i might be down for this. why not lol

Gamertag: DM Hackaxis

Car: ZL1 Camaro


Tire Width: stock is 305

Hp/Tq: 738/700

Car: Mazda RX7
Weight :2300
tyre width (stock):245

Gt : TX3 voodka
Car Toyota supra
Ip : ???
Weight : ???

Feb-9-16: VFD Insider Ep 1, and release of this season sections
March 1: Registration begins for top 70 and Pro Rec Drivers

I’m In for this. Haven’t got around to making the car but I’ll give the weight and tyre classes that I will be running

Car Nissan Skyline R34

Weight: 2800-2099lbs

Tyres: 265mm

Power: 621hp, 548lbs-ft

GT: Mark Rafa P

Season 5 Sections are released

This may look strict,but I had a talk with drivers from the past season about how some drivers was not qualified enough to compete last season.
Update to the rulebook section 8.1
How to obtain a VFD Provisional: A Driver must take the VFD Provisional Qualification Test.Requirements to pass the test is to complete 5 of the 7 track with the task below:

  • Must maintain above the normal speed
    -Run the course line
    -Can do sections provided for the current season
    -Must be able to lead and follow
    If the test is failed.Drivers must wait 30 days before taking the test again.

If you think you got what it takes.Make a post with the time you are available. Me or a pro driver will get back to you.

I would like to take part for the provisional license but I’m still waiting on my wheel and to get practice with it. I may not be ready to take the test straight away but I’ll be able to take it maybe mid March if ready.

GT: Mark Rafa P (Mid March and GMT +9:30 so roughly 7pm your time)

I think I’ll be competing this season with my '02 Camaro from the previous season.


Car: Rx7 FD
Power: 623 hp
Torque: 446 lb-ft
weight: 2,812 lbs
tyre: 265

I Would also like to take part for the provisional license

Mid March GMT +12:00


Car: Rx7 FD
Power: 623 hp
Torque: 446 lb-ft
weight: 2,812 lbs
tyre: 265

I Would also like to take part for the provisional license

Mid March GMT +12:00

1 Like

mazda rx7 Fd
hp 602
torque 431 Lb-Ft
weight 2;322 LBS
tires 255
I would also like to take part in the provisional license

Looking to do a provisional. Need a pro driver to get at me…


Cars un-banned:
Dodge 1999 Viper GTS ACR

Holden 2011 GTS

Holden HSV W427

Lotus Carlton

Maserati Ghibi Cup

Mercedes 190 e 2.2 16 Evolution

Mercedes C32 AMG

Mercedes SL65 Black Series

Subaru Impreza 22b STI

Vauxhall VX220 Turbo

Nissan 1993 MINE’S R32 Skyline GT-R

Nissan 2002 MINE’S R34 Skyline GT-R

BMW 2002 M3-GTR

Downloaded cars:
Drivers need to have all DLC packs downloaded. There is a trial version to each pack for free which allows people to see cars they do not have.If you happy with looking at a black Volkswagen, then that’s fine. It will not be the judges fault if contact happens because you can’t see the car.

This is up for discussion.

Update:March 19,2014
Section 1.1
-Speed is removed from Judging
-Tiebrakers will be determined by the driver worse run,style Points,and speed.

Section 1.2
Qualifying points





Section 1.4

-Strike Rule is removed


  • Spinning out

  • Clear straightening or losing drift (Losing drift and reinitiating quickly is a major deduction, but not a zero. Judges will determine if an zero should happen)

  • 3 or more tires off course at the same time

  • Hood, hatch and/or doors open during a run

The following items constitute and automatic zero or deduction in tandem:

  • 3 or more wheels off course at the same time= Zero

  • Straightening= Deduction

  • Hitting a cone or course marker= Deduction

  • Double entry= Zero

  • Abrupt stop= Zero

  • Stalling= Zero

  • Resulting contact causes an abrupt change in the vehicles drift and/or causes a spin= Zero

Section 1.5
Protest will be allowed starting in the Great 8 to Finals.Each driver will receive one card to protest upon any non subjective items.Items are below:

  • Tire drops

  • 3 or more wheels off course at the same time

  • Straightening

  • Hitting a cone or course marker

  • Double entry

  • Abrupt stop

  • Stalling

  • Resulting contact causes an abrupt change in the vehicles drift and/or causes a spin

If drifters want to submit a card.Each event a forum thread will be made on the VFD Forums.At the end of each round,judges will go to the site to look through any cards that were submitted before the start of the next round of elimination.