Very concerning

Its very concerning that we’re relegating a 6 year old game to abandonware.
I can still download the game and play it but none of the content is available to download. Its just removed from the store listings. The biggest tech company in the world cant maintain support for keeping the content available for a 6 year old game in their currently most successful franchise? This is something I expect from the likes of Ubi or EA. IE the assassins creed delisting. But this just further proves how little xbox ACTUALLY cares about “gamers” as much as they try to push the idea. I’m somewhat thankful for the steam release of H5 because at least I know there will always be tools to maintain that games content on that platform. But it just goes to show that Xbox and MS really do not care in the slightest about you or your hard earned money or your enjoyment of the franchise or access to the products you’ve purchased from them.

Edit: So you can totally still purchase tokens. I completely forgot about the MTX this game had, They cant keep the content people paid for listed but they can keep the mtx store thats been completely done away with in later entries.

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It’s not new news.

Licensing expired on legacy titles

If you’re on the Xbox - go to Game & Add-Ons menu of FH3 and you’ll be able to install DLC through it if you bought it before.