The season is dived down in to 3 series.
There will be 8 teams for series 1, top 6 will progress to series 2, the remaining 2 will be eliminated.
At the end of series 2, top 4 teams will progress to the final series, series 3, the remaining 2 will be eliminated.
Series 1: 7 weeks
Series 2: 5 weeks
Series 3: 3 weeks
2-0 win: 3 points
2-1 win: 2 points
1-2 loss: 1 point
0-2 loss: 0 points
Link Please read these as there are some big differences.
Number box and Windscreen banner:

There are 3 number box’s for the season, Series 1, Series 2 and Series 3.
Each number box must be used according to which series is currently running.

The Number box should be placed on your car during every battle, this is important that it is.
It should be placed just under the wing mirror on both sides of the car.

Each number box should have the correct details filled in on them, the details will be on this thread for you.
In the left space you should have your VDL drifter number and in the right should be your team logo or team name.

The window banner must also be present on your car, this should be placed just at the top of the windscreen.
All these item are available for free on FunkyJoshii’s storefront.
You can search FunkyJoshii, VDL or use codes below.
VDL14 S1 - Series 1 Box
VDL14 S2- Series 2 box
VDL14 S3- Series 3 Box
VDL14 WS- Season Window Banner
Series 1
Round 1 - Silverstone FMDL
Round 2 - Suzuka FMDL
Round 3 - Sunset Club FMDL
Round 4 - Road Atlanta FMDL
Round 5 - Tsukuba FMDL
Round 6 - Iberain FMDL
Round 7 - Suzuka VDL
Series 2
Round 1 - Silverstone FMDL
Round 2 - Road Atlanta FMDL
Round 3 - Tsukuba FMDL
Round 4 - Suzuka FMDL
Round 5 - Iberain FMDL
Series 3 Final
Round 1 - Road Atlanta FMDL
Round 2 - Suzuka FMDL
Round 3 - Tsukuba FMDL
Run Off - Tsukuba FMDL
23- DMA BostonTroy
24- DMA Hoonigan
25- DMA BurstTouge
26- DMA Elmo
27- DMA Ogre
29- DMA Merlin
30- DMA Tyreslayer
31- DMA CapinPlanet
32- xJustSaucy
33- Raiiryu
34- Cpt ManilaFace
72- SCS Wanted
48- DSI Caspa
50- x Tw33d x
85- Slim seay
86- Bluntsapproved
87- Curveswerv
88- DSI Parksy
90- I Most Likely
91- ToG x DriFterzz
51- DVN Rauzey
52- DVN Rubix
58- DVN Reddo
62- JSI Danial
75- Yoshi3lt
76- CookieSheahan
43- DVN Awesome
83- Shes Adopted
64- DDelgado95
65- Sneaker Feens
66- Akingmelo
67- ChevyGuy84
68- DW Dynamic
70- Wassup2Up2Down
71- gonzo3636
73- Elaphent
84- EBISU Pankeki
92- KeeFn
74- Imperil xexel
75- DVN Sileighty
76- bobstudley762
77- Ill be RB
78- DTS Chicane
79- DSI Rabbit
80- DTP Kube
81- SCS Panda
82- Dortsey
94- Almighty Rayy
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