Using Elite Xbox Controller

Definitely worth the investment if you game a lot. I got mine just after xmas and i havent looked back. Its great for all sorts of games but i like the paddles for shifting and its handy having the trigger locks, means you can be a lot more aggresive with your braking when the abs is turned off. It also means you can focus your finger solely on A for the clutch as well, however it does take a bit of adapting with the paddles at the rear where your fingers normally grip. You need to be careful not to accidently hit them as theyre very sensitive. Well worth the £120 i paid.

What about the Scuf controller?
Seem’s like their triggers wont be as much in the way like the Elite controller…

Thats just a modded version of the basic controller, the elite is of a lot higher quality, the small things like rubber grips and the brushed effect triggers, the ability to mod any button to your preference with the app.
I think its well worth the money if you game a lot.


I like my elite controller, but not for Forza. I use manual/clutch and find the paddles useless for shifting. In fact, I use my FM6 pad most of the time.

Fantastic for Battlefront and Fallout, though.

One of the best features for the regular and elite controllers is being able to re-map buttons. What is not so great with the regular controller is when you go to use a regular menu. The buttons are not in the right place. So for example in NFS 2015 I re-mapped B to X and Y to A. Great for driving. Infuriating for the garage. ( trying to tune and do paints and use menus). The elite controller has a switch that allows you to choose between two configurations on the fly. That means in the garage the buttons are default. When driving I switch to the alternate configuration. I have different configurations for every game depending on what needs fixing.

That said every developer should simply have full controller mapping as part of their game. Like they did over 10 years ago. I don’t understand why more players aren’t bitching about not being able to map buttons. Especially with driving games.

I’m still thinking they should sell a version without the paddles for less, maybe 100 bucks. I kinda think the regular controllers should be brought up to this standard at 79 bucks, but since it’s not I use the elite controller. One thing that I also use with the elite controller that doesn’t get mentioned is the different profiles for stick sensitivity. I use the “delay” mode on the controller and Forza set to simulation mode. It’s not a time delay but instead it flattens the trigger response near the center line and to me it makes it easier to control.

I’ve had mine for about a day and used on Forza 6. Tried different combos and here is what works best for me:

Long stick steering
Left trigger short
Right paddles for gears (top for up, bottom for down).

It’s not as good as a wheel but the best inputs of any pad I’ve ever used (and I’m an old codger at 48!).

Dirt Rally next!

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This setup also works for me, I only got my Elite last night and love it. The feel of it in hand is just great. Took a bit of getting used to on the test track but I think I prefer the paddles for shifting. I may attempt to start using the clutch soon. Bring on FH3!!

As I’ve said previously in this thread I am a die hard Elite fan\user and to prove how good it has been for me check out my rival times in Forza 6 A class I have reduced some of my times by 10 secs a lap just with manual. Still feel that manual\clutch may still be beyond my manual dexterity limits but hey after the dif that the Elite has already made to my Forza performances I should at least give it a go, shouldn’t I

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