Uploading Livery Paints and Designs

Anyone else having issues uploading certain files, designs, liverys? I can upload 80% of what I produced. Some of the same designs keep saying “Try Again Later”. I have hard reset my XBOX and power cycled it on off fully. My internet connection is fine and I am wired. I also designed/painted a car today and when trying to share, it told me “Filtered Word Restricted upload” or something to that nature, now I don’t think “rebel” is a bad word, so I tried to upload it with the descript “r8” it told me the same thing for that one. Then I tried uploading it with the default. Same thing. It’s not every design, livery, or paint job. Just a few. But it had to be the one I took like 6 hours to do last night and really wanted to share.

Enoki Soju

Any help would be greatly appreciated.