Upgrade Heroes (Series 22) info | June 2023

Much more like it, an update like this is what I’ve continually hoped for but never had said hope fulfilled.

Hopefully the car pack sells like hot cakes as I also favour that method over dripfeed + timegating.

Not a fan of DM but it’s good to see them really going with it this time, too many series so far including the 1st DM have had themes that sound good in theory and have potential only for them to then fall flat because of how half baked they’ve ended up being in regards to the theme.

Wouldn’t surprise me if some of the DM Edition cars are OP though, the standard Supervan is already top tier in the right circumstances in S1.

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It would be my luck with this godforsaken game that the AMG-GT Black finally gets added in on the day I go out of town for a week. And because it’s a playlist car, I now have to figure out how to finesse my way into stalling my departure for an hour so I can get the 20 points needed before it gets timegated out of reach for who knows how long.

I shouldn’t have to do that. I really shouldn’t.


It would be great if they allow us to play previous Playlists that we missed.


I agree that Horizon 5 probably has one of, if not the best, car list currently on sale. But best car list ever? Maybe it’s up there in the top ten, but Horizon 5 is still missing so many iconic cars, and that’s not even taking the abscene of certain manufacturers into account.


Are you on PC or console? If you’re on the latter, I’d suggest taking your Xbox with you if you’re going somewhere with electricity and internet. Not the ideal work around, but its better than putting your trip in jeopardy. If you’re on the former, then I have no suggestions unfortunately.

Regardless though, situations like this are exactly why timegated rewards are signifcantly less than ideal.


Unfortunately, I think I’m out of luck on both fronts for several reasons, the biggest of those being that any attempt to do this on my PC would result in my laptop going critical, and - to be perfectly honest - I’ve yet to encounter a hotel WiFi setup I’d rank above “barely acceptable”.

I’m just going to have to do this in one of the two really small windows of opportunity that I have right now. And yeah, this is why the Playlist is just as unbearably stupid as all of the other live-service FOMO nonsense. This is not how gaming should be.


Speaking of my current FOMO situation…let’s talk about that car pack.

I’m buying it. Yes, me and this game aren’t on the best of terms at the moment. No, Emira aside, I’m not terribly impressed with it. But as far as the principle of the matter goes, I feel that this is a necessary purchase to send the appropriate message: this method of DLC should never have been abandoned in the first place.

As a Gamer (capitalized for a reason), I sort of hate that I’m in the position that I’m advocating for this. However, with the experience of the Festival Playlist, previous knowledge of how the car packs worked, and plenty of evidence to support the adage “You get what you pay for”, I find that distaste tempered quite a lot.


If you have Game Pass Ultimate, you could try streaming on your phone. Not ideal at all but should be adequate enough to get a quick 20 points.

no complaints here

I love that they included the Mercedes GT Black Series :heart: And the missing AMG SL 65.

So If they give us the Emory Porsche 356 RSR
and Mazda rx3 with the Liberty Walk widebody kit I will be close to Forza heaven. (for a time anyway)

There is still more missing from previous Forza’s

But I like this NEW feeling of JOY when a new update is shared.

PGG keep heading in this direction👍

What time is the update usually released on Tuesdays?

Content updates typically release after 10am Pacific. (localized: Tuesday, June 20, 2023 5:00 PM)


Here’s the thing. We now know what Turn 10 and PGG will do if we go down the road of paid DLC, and we know what they’ll do if we go down the road of free DLC. Given how much the free model has been exploited and abused, particularly by PGG, I would much rather stick with the paid model. When I pay for access to those cars, I get to keep access to those cars. 24/7, at any time I please, as many times as I wish and the only string necessary is the financial transaction itself. When it’s “free”, then it means you get one car, dealt out when they feel like, between this point and that point, and if you don’t do it when they say do it, tough luck. Wait until the next time, whether that’s next month or next game.


Uhhh. Okay. Where do you think the money goes when you pay McDonalds for a Big Mac?

Until the licensing runs out and you try to reinstall it.

And also just for the sake of completion of the argument. You can get them from the AH for <$20M
I’m with you, I prefer the paid car packs with actual new cars rather than striping the launch roster and piecemealing it out with chores.
But I’ve also gotten all the cars I’ve missed since launch on the AH with relative ease and patience.

Well I just watched the Let’s Go stream and I gotta wonder why I keep doing this to myself.

It’s just a parade of dissapointment every time I watch one of those. Why are we wasting precious developer’s time on showcasing the upcoming seasonal events still? Literally anyone could do it. I bet you could train a monkey to do it.

Why are we getting more stories? The game does not need more stories. Here we are being choked by the lack of replayable endgame and the devs are wasting ever more time building more stories that no-one asked for.

I don’t get how people can feel positive about this update. So there is a car people really like in the update. What’s the point if there is no endgame with which to engage that car with?

From my perspective, this looks like PGG spinning even further and faster away from the core of what this game should be, losing focus in order to chase butterflies, having no earthly idea what the plot ever was. Whatever euphemism you want to use.

I mean they are sitting there all proud about the fact that you can pick what season you are in in photo mode, while it’s impossible to pick what season you’re in in the actual game!

I’d say people are too complacent with PGG’s mediocrity, except it’s not mediocrity. PGG does good work, it’s just unfocused and completely devoid of consideration for the current issues the game faces or how best to serve the core of the game.


I mean they’ve gone from the focus on vacation and holiday themes to actual cars and car culture. So I’d say thats a redirection for the better.

Out of curiosity. What endgame content are you expecting out of it?

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  • Custom Championships or an updated equivalent
  • Car Meet Mode
  • Ranked Racing
  • Static Lobbies (that actually work)
  • Synchronous and/or asynchronous Clan V Clan modes
  • More actual races/start points that are actually useful, particularly for convoy only activities
  • In client convoy tools that actually work

Those would be the things I consider essential to help flesh out the endgame. As for optional but would be nice things:

  • More restriction options, including drivetrain and tire restrictions
  • Add more PI limits. Some of the performance gaps between PI restrictions are huge. A to S1 for example.
  • New tire compounds and/or fixing the tire balance (which is awful)
  • Search function for online custom championship lobbies (RWD only, Road only, mixed surface, etc)
  • Private Lobbies

That’s just off the top of my head. I know there is more I’m not remembering, both due to faulty memory and due to my own personal priorities.


Thanks Max!

My FOMO is worthy of therapy. We were on holiday a few weeks ago and got home about 6 hours before the end of the summer season. It was the middle of the night but I really needed that DeBerti F-250. Internet gets pokey after extended inactivity so downloading the update took forever. Finally loaded the game and got my 20, oh yeah. But I’m already stressing because we’re going overseas in the fall and I know when I’m gone PG will be putting up THE ONE or maybe two that I really really really need.


I came up with a split for the PI classes from A to S2.

Tire compounds arent likely to be expanded before FM8, competitive probably isnt making a return to this game. Never really understood car meets. But in general. Yeah, I’d say thats less endgame content and more just general fixing/rebalancing.

The Festival playlist is literally the intended ‘endgame’ content.