Update issues? See in here...

Everytime there is an update, content patch etc, seems like there are several dozen threads of failed updates, feature x doesn’t work, my career is stuck etc. So maybe a thread with some quick fixes for people is a good idea?
So here are some of the things you can try to fix issues with updates, in order of ease, with the hardest most drastic actions listed last!

So, first of all, make sure any download is COMPLETED before starting up the game. I know it says ready to play, but that just means the game can run, not the content you’re downloading. So make sure to let the download finish before resuming play. This will alleviate many issues people are having.

Secondly, after updating as above, if you’re still encountering issues, then unplug your xbox from the wall for 30 seconds, then plug it back in. This will give it a chance to cold boot, and clear any files in the system cache which may be causing conflicts. EDIT: Make sure your xbox one is powered down before unplugging it. (Thanks rdo3)

Thirdly, and this is the one that hurts, uninstall Forza 5 completely, then reinstall. I know, it’s the last thing you want to do, that’s why it’s last on the list! But if all else fails… Don’t worry, this will not affect your saves as they are kept separately from the games install files and backed up to the cloud. EDIT: Although some users are saying you lose any gift cars doing this, which is odd as your save should be immune to a reinstall. Not good if this is the case though. Especially as the cloud is supposed to ‘protect’ our saves. So be fair warned people, you may lose content.

Hopefully these will help people having issues, as it seems new people discover the joys of update roulette every month! If anybody has anything to add or any other tips, then fire away!


never unplug a computer while still running. a console is a specalized computer. power it down then if needed pull the plug. yes all ONES are still under warrenty but soon that wont be the case. generally (as in 99.9% of the time) holding the console power button untill it fully shuts down should be good enough and not void any warrarty. powering down via the controler or kinnect is not the same, it puts it into sleep/hybernate mode not off mode, that way you can say “xbox on” and it still hears you. holding the console power button down really turns it off, it wont hear you. it wont have voice controls.if you want to pull the plug fully power down useing the console button 1st, it keeps you safe and as the op said…it will let you have peace of mind it was fully shut down and cache cleared if you want to be that sure.

the other day someone said ms customer service told them to pull the plug then hold the console power button, but thats like kicking in your door because it wouldn’t open when turning the knob…then unlocking the deadbolt. at that point unlocking the de4ad bolt is irrelivant because the damage is already done. use thy key, use it as it was intended 1st then try drastc measures. try the console power button before you just kick it in. read any pc manual, power down via the power button before pulling the plug. pulling the plug with the power on will probably cause more problems than it fixes and can cause problems on a problem free system from corrupting boot data. and if you pull the plug mid os update…hope you have backups and all the original disks. the hardware is probably still ok but you just killed all the software.

you can always pull the plug later if holding the console power button down dosn’t work, you cant unpull the plug. you cant unring a bell. if your name is marty mcfly or emmit brown you can over ride physics with your flux compasitor. for the rest of us better safe than sorry.

i have my sleep mode turned off so when i turn it off it turns off and can’t voice turn it on, makes for a longer boot up to start off with but kill most problems that the console has like crashing and jumping back to dashboard in middle of a race. this also seems to make most of the games run better as well i find but that could just be me

All fine and Dandy…but you failed to mention you loose ALL gifted cars. I have an issue now and went through the hard boot fix before coming on here and asking for help. I now have to face Forza 5 without the use of other peoples designs, as the sharefront will not display designs. I do not want to loose the stuff that was gifted.

Made very certain the download was completely finished before I started playing. So I tried #2 and cold booted and that didnt fix it either. Guess I got a long day ahead of me before I get to play again. UGH.

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Ok. I will try these tips.

My problem is I’m in the Racing Series doing the GT Racing, I got 4 races remaining and when I try to go in and play it boots me to the XBOX home menu. Other races work fine.

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mine is doing the same thing with the R Series. Uninstalling does not work.

My B Series Championship won’t load in career or in league selection, just shows up w/ “Race 5” then blank destination, track, etc i can still run any other event just very annoying that i can’t finish up B class once an for all.

Turn 10 is aware of the issue(s) - See Helios’ post here: http://forums.forza.net/turn10_postsm49772_Road-America---Problems-with-update-while-in-the-middle-of-a-series.aspx#post_49772

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Sorry, yes point 2 should have said make sure the xbox one is powered down before you unplug it. Thanks to rdo3 for pointing that out. I will add it to the op.
As for losing stuff in the 3rd point, i did say it was the last drastic resort.
Anyone with any other tips feel free to jump in and help out your forza brethren!

FM5 is the only game in my XB1 and so far I have had no issues since launch.

Those who play other games might also try "QUIT"ting other games & applications to free up available memory.

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Tried all three and still having the same problem as before.

I’m fairly convinced that the issues most people are having is due to a problem with the coding added in the new update. This is something that will have to be fixed with yet another update that could possibly cause more problems. Gotta love computers.

thanks for the link, happy that T 10 already knows about it

Every time I update forza 5, it somehow uninstalls itself, it’s happened on every update. Now the latest update won’t install obviously until the game is installed so I installed it but now it won’t update and keeps saying to install disc.

Those with the career problem, have you tried quitting the current championship, then starting a new one. That might free it up, so to speak.

I’ve tried all of the things above - including quitting the current championship but it still won’t let me progress the championship I have the problem with. It would appear to be where the update is trying to add in the Road America race to the championship - time for a fix from T10/Forza if lots of people are having the problem.

Yes a few more people are starting to come out with this problem. Hopefully Turn 10 will fix it asap. It’s game breaking if you can’t continue your career!