Update Hoppers Please

I am so bored with the multiplayer in Forza 5. The hoppers are stale - nothing more than class races that revolve around the same handful of cars to be competitive. Most of the coolest cars in the game are worthless in these generic class hoppers and the ‘leagues’ section has not updated in two months. ‘Leagues’ should rotate daily or weekly at the least. I want a chance to run with the retro Formula 1 cars, Indy Cars or Classic Rally cars or any of the other groupings without seeing a bunch of non group cars mixed through out.

Better yet, why not give us a random league hopper that combines a car grouping with the track vote on each race. If you are worried that people may get dropped from room if a vote comes up for a grouping they don’t have then just ensure a rental is provided for each grouping…in fact, why isn’t every car rentable for a drive anyway. Renting already gimps you on XP and credits, as well as sticking you with base PI, so why not let people try out any car in the game they want before spending credits on it.

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Good luck with that mate, i tried for months to get the lobby rotations changed in B class on Forza 4 but unless it becomes a big issue with everyone & they get involved dont hold your breath, plus its still very new, i tried when 4 was over a year old.

Multiplayer is growing a bit stale so I was studying the ‘league’ hoppers. It seems T10 could drastically increase the depth of Multiplayer with a few simple changes to these hoppers.

  1. Turn 10, PLEASE take the 30 minutes a week it would take to provide you online community with some new verity by switching around the league hoppers. Who knows, if people had more of a reason to drive different cars maybe you would even sell some more DLC cars. We have been stuck with the same four league hoppers for 3 months now even though there are dozens of leagues. It cannot be hard to toggle a common option on a regular basis.

  2. Track Toys and American Muscle are good examples of leagues that should find their way into the regular league hopper rotation. They are distinct body styles that people love but don’t necessarily get to play alot because they don’t stack up well against the general class cars. American Muscle is hard to keep in line for many and also creates problems being around them. Track Toys are light and easily abused by heavier cars.

  3. Modern and Iconic Sports Cars are not good examples of the leagues that should be highlighted in the league hoppers since these styles make up the majority of the good cars in the general A and C class hoppers. The also play well with others.

  4. Other cars that people love but don’t drive often, because they don’t fit well in the general classification, should all find their way into a regular rotation of league hoppers:

  • Trucks are hated in all general classification races so give them a place to shine with the other trucks
  • Vintage
  • 70s Grand Prix … nobody in R class GT cars likes these on track with them and vice versa
  • Indy which are worthless to drive against the Modern F1 that makes up the X class
  • Prototype … In fact, all the vintage and race leagues should be in a regular rotation of the league hoppers
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So much this…

It boggles me that this stuff isn’t happening. Seems so simple and would create interest…it seems so easy. I keep waiting to see it changed every week, thinking they are busy with tracks/bug squashing, but after the last patch was announced its boggling.