
how come all the people on xbox one get all the DLC when we bought the same game but xbox 360. we should get all the same DLC’s as them and all the same cars. this problem should be solved.

There is no problem to be solved. For one, the Xbox 360 version is far from the same as the Xbox One version - hence you paid a marked down price for the game and several features were omitted for the sake of playability on older hardware. Secondly, the DLC is obviously going to be made of the highest quality to match the expectations of the new console - you can’t expect the developer to do twice the work to ensure new DLC is capable of being played both on the new console and on the older console.

In short, it was a surprise they even ported a version to the Xbox 360; and, for that reason, you are lucky to have a version of the game at all. It could have easily been an Xbox One exclusive.