Unbeatable in Finale a joke

So i finally decided to do the Finale race and this is the setting i usually race in…

usually in races they’re not left too far behind…but look at where the last 2 guys are? did they got lost halfway or something.

Also…i kinda like the Finale race around the whole map…is there a way to re-do it again? without the 1million dollar cr of course…I’d just like to re-do the race again…is there anyway?

No way of doing it again.

Unbeatable also makes mistakes; happened on FM5, happens on FH2.

You would think unbeatable would be, well unbeatable! HA!


I think the only way to repeat the final is not complete it. Quit to menu before the end, then go back into the game.


Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve found no outstanding different in the top 3 levels.

From highly skilled - pro - unbeatable I would say the only difference I’ve found is on highly skilled the AI / Drivatars tend to drive a bit cleaner whereas the further up you go the more chances they take Inc taking you out if they can

But once you have cleared the lead car you tend to race alone.

The other difference I have found is how slow they corners. They are all pretty good drivers from highly skilled up but it’s the margin of victory that changes.

On Highly Skilled I would typically finish 15 - 20 seconds ahead of 2nd place. On Pro I typically finish around 10 seconds ahead of 2nd place, and on Unbeatable - barring some epic crash, tree ding, or natural disaster - I finish maybe 2 5 seconds ahead of 2nd place.

Can’t say I’ve noticed that bigger difference, if only get a clean run through the AI on unbeatable and a clear run through on highly skilled the gap always seems to be around 5/10 seconds regardless that said on unbeatable they seem to play dirty so I either don’t get a clean break or I’m held back for longer which of course means the gap is smaller.

But that only makes unbeatable more of a challenge because of dirty tactics, it’s not a skill or speed advantage.

I started on pro but found the AI bashed and smashed to much I could still get the win ok but didn’t like the race conditions so I upped the level to unbeatable but found them even worse to the point where they was bashing each other again once I was passed the lead car the win wasn’t that difficult.

But I now race on highly skilled simply because it for me any ways makes for a more polite race.

It’s a shame you can’t view the drivatar’s replays because I’d like to see what they do sometimes.

I remember doing a race and having myself and 5 other drivatars finish, meanwhile everyone else was stuck at 73% for a couple minutes and slowly made their way to the finish.

I think the important question here is: Am I going blind, or ARE YOU LEVEL 700?!?!?!

I only play on Highly Skilled, for me to have at least a bit of challenge whilst still allowing me to win without much if any difficulty. I remember in my finales there were AI (one or two of them) that I only beat by ~10-15 seconds, there were some that looked like they were so far behind they were in Colorado for Horizon 2012. That seems to be the same with yours, some pretty close to you, others way far behind.