TXschmidt's stuff

Hello, I’ve been painting in Forza since FM2 just haven’t shared much of my work. So, I thought I would get some of my stuff out and hope you like.

My newest that I’m still working on.
Rocket Bunny Lexus RC.

Everything below is shared just search my gamer tag = txschmidt

FnF TRD Supra with RIDOX side.

Liberty Walk stuff

Thank you for looking! TX

I’m no expert in painting but there’s super hot paints in here…

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Hahaha… Thank you, Mario!

Must have!!

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Lol!!! :slight_smile:

Rocket Bunny Lexus RC will be shared after I make some tweaks to the Rocket Bunny logo that AB helped me with and maybe a back plate. Thank you AB! No one can get better without the help of fella painters sharing there knowledge. Below are photos of Lexus before logo was fixed.

Just having fun. (drift fun that is! lol)

Nice work and detailing, love the tow strap!

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Thank you very much!

Has anyone tried to paint a livery on Real Racing 3? I have it on the iPhone and they only give you space for 50 vinyls total to make livery. lol (great free game for phone tho.)

Tried to make a Liberty Walk Lambo, but couldn’t even finish one side. :frowning:

Great work! :slight_smile:

Thank you, M4dd Dogg!

Great work they look really cool!

PS could you make a paint for me?

Thank you and I sent you a PM replying to the one you sent me.

The Rocket Bunny Lexus RCF (In red) is now shared and I decided to remove all stickers to keep it clean looking but, I did leave the Rocket Bunny pig sticker. lol. Just search my tag Txschmidt or rocket bunny lexus rcf