Twitchy controller fix?

I sure hope this is at least part of the reason I can’t make a smooth turn:

Titanfall requests (and gets) controller tweak

It’s nice to see MS getting input from the developers and using that input to create an even better experience for their customers. That’s what a good company does. It never stops. It keeps trying to better itself.

Will this update improve Forza also ?

I hope not. Or I hope its something that is adjustable. I am happy with steering the way it is now.

You hope it doesn’t improve Forza because you prefer less precision? Is there no chance it could get even better?

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There is a tradeoff between response and precision. I like the steering response i get now.

I hope the update allows for game based adjustments.


This is like saying, “I don’t want you to sight in my rifle, I think it would be better less precise and accurate” because you thought it would make you have to pull the trigger further.

I’m at a complete loss as to why someone, anyone, would rather have a less precise control stick than before. Baffling

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Post deleted.

“Microsoft will also update the Xbox One controller specifically at the request of Titanfall’s development team. According to Titanfall design lead Justin Hendry, an upcoming software patch will make the analog sticks more precise than before.”

Since Microsoft is doing it, I would think so.

Like Bizmo said, since it’ll be part of a system update, I would imagine it would affect every game.

I would have thought cutting back on the caffeine would solve the twitchy problems.

Decrease / Remove thumbstick deadzone in the game options.

i got a pair of FPSFreeks for Battlefield, and they seem to have helped my precision a bit. i never really had a problem with Forza, but i’d say they improved upon perfection a bit.

I said that a long time ago. Had the Kontrol Freeks for the 360 and they improved my BF3 K/D by a mile. Got them for the One and they have helped BF4 and Forza 5 a lot. I highly recommend them and for $11, you can’t go wrong.

i really hope we can get an official Turn 10 response as to weather or not this will also affect FM5. any improvement would be welcomed.

Well here we go again!

I quite happy with the current controller sensitivity. I really hope Microsoft have considered the impact of these changes on all games.

update completed and nothing seems different with the controller…

My cars don’t seen to turn as sharply as they did before the update.

For those who have downloaded the Xbox update, what effect has the Feb update had on controller sensitivity in Forza 5