Turn 10 gifted car from dlc pack.

On the 14th of this week i brought the smoking tires dlc mainly for the 33 stradale. Boot up Forza so i can go get my new cars. I see ive been gifted a car and im like great. It turns out to be a 33 stradale. So im not impressed as you can imagine. What can be done about this ? Do turn 10 bother looking on thier forums to see this ?

So wait, let me get this straight…you bought the pack for the 33 Stradale, to your surprise you were gifted the 33 Stradale but your not impressed because why?!?

This car is really pretty amazing in a number of classes. And it’s free!! :slight_smile: edit: THEY’RE ALL FREE!!! lol

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When you buy the car packs you are gifted a car out of the packs. Besides…you get all DLC cars for free once purchased anyway.

you were gifted the 33 because you bought the pack.
not everyone was gifted that car. only those who purchased the DLC

If you hadn’t bought the pack, you wouldn’t have received the gift. But, I’m sure Turn 10 apologizes for the anguish this has obviously caused you.

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Not another free car glitch. I hate when that happens.


Dang game keeps giving me credits for winning races to. Really?!?!?! Somebody better fix this.


Best reply ever in the history of the Interwebs. Fandango Rangers unite!

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OP, see the first post in this thread for more info about gift cars:

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Are you saying that you bought the pack mainly to get the Stradale and went home and found out that in the meantime it had been gifted to you separately anyway? Like not “Free” in the Buy Cars section, but a message saying you’ve received a gift? If so, that would be odd and worthy of a question.

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No, it still isn’t worthy of a question because, at the time, DLC cars weren’t free after purchasing the pack. Instead, Turn 10 was gifting a free vehicle with each pack - a feature which, apparently (and rightfully so), hasn’t been changed, even though all purchased DLC is now free of in-game expense.

Not really question invoking to be honest, before the packs gave you all cars for free the “highlight” car of each pack was gifted. I would assume it was an automated thing, as soon as the server verified you owned the pack it would send the car. They probably just never did away with that old system when they updated to the current one. So even though now they all are free, the game probably still sees the pack as “purchased” and therefore sends the car to the profile associated.


Nah, he’s just confused. Everybody who bought the pack got the car. That’s the way the packs worked before they made them free the first time from the dealer. Even if it hadn’t been gifted, it would still be free for the first one acquired from the dealership anyway.

So, has it stands, technically the game should be gifting 1, and allowing a second one free from the dealership. If he actually wanted to spend credits on it, without ending up with three cars, he’d just have to remove the other two from the garage. It’s a strange system, but that’s because T10 made multiple unplanned changes to said system, specifically in response to player feedback. It’s working has intended though.

I would understand the T10 gifting a car, from a pack you’ve just bought, if it had a special paint or tune attached (limited edition), but at the moment, the whole thing seems pointless to me.

Pretty sure the OP was confused. I’m guessing he thought he wasted his money buying the DLC as he was gifted the car he wanted from Turn 10. I just don’t think he understands that he wouldn’t have been gifted the car without purchasing the DLC.

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