Tuning Lessons

So I have been trying to figure this out on my own but it seems like too much. I just don’t know what to use to fix what and how much of it to use. I was wondering if maybe there was someone who does tuning on twitch. I think watching someone who knows what they are doing would help immensely.

Checkout Stella Stig on YouTube. His videos helped me a lot, you won’t learn the art of tuning over night but have patience and you will get your rewards. Its taken me about 3 months to really nail tuning.

Dont forget you can over tune a car and over drive it.

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Dont forget you can over tune a car and over drive it.

This statement couldn’t describe me any better! I could have the best tune in the world and still drive it like I stole it. I just can’t grasp the fact that slower is sometimes better. I never know when to brake, it’s either to soon or to late. I can’t seem to find that perfect spot. I mash on the the gas causing mid corner oversteer. I swear I will never get the hang of this game! It’s like a sick addiction!