Tuning for Tracks

and also http://plkgames.prv.pl/poradniki/Forza%20Motorsport%203.pdf

Thanks Drows for the link to the FM3 guide…its a pretty good/comprehensive guide. I’ve read some driving books, and a lot of the info in this guide is the same or similar. A good place to send beginners for their “basics”. Thanks for helpin your fellow racers!

So DesigningLeek47, could you tell us what calculator is that for the Mazda? Keepin it a secret?

I was the one who posted the mazda… the calculator I use can be found at Forza Tuning Labs. It has a brief guide on how to use it, but I found that I still had quite a few questions about how to really use it even after the “rudimentary” instructions. Feel free to PM me with any questions you might have about it. As has been mentioned in other threads, there’s no way to get THE right tune for a specific car or track without your (the driver) ‘personalization’ of the tune for yourself and the track your racing. However, I like this one the best since it seems to take in quite a bit of physics and suspension geometry formulation into account. It consistently gives me a very usable tune. I hope it works as well for you.

as he already replied I probably don’t have to, but that was SynapticLive w/the graphs and charts.

Thanks SL!! Sorry for the mix-up about the Mazda… I’ll look into that calc., and as you saw in the other note I wrote, I already have questions! : D I appreciate the offer to answer those questions. I don’t have high expectations for the calc., and I understand that my style has to be taken into account, but I too liked the look of the physics and geometry. I don’t get it all, but maybe with some help I’ll get a hold of the concepts, and it may help me squeeze out some more time on track. Sometimes I get caught up in the trial and error, and the time that it takes, and it can get frustrating. This may help point me in a different direction, or narrow my choices (science vs. intuition). Cheers, the Count

Yeah, sorry for the mix-up! As you can see he sent me a link to the calculator, and it’s pretty cool. Do you use a calculator to get a basic tune?

I tried a few, but none that I tried seemed suitable to me. There are those that try to bring too much real world data into the game and others that seem to ignore all the things the game does give you. I ginned-up something of my own that’ll do a few calculations taking into account ride height, Gs, and the like (data from in the game, each build). Am I doing it right? Maybe, maybe not, but I like the results.

Bottom line - all should consider - you can do some pretty messed up things, things that probably wouldn’t make sense (IRL) and you know what - it may just work! The calculators I just dissed work for many, many folks. But take any car, really mess with it and I bet ti can still be driven, driven enough to maybe even learn something ;^) and if you were to start to really pay attention you’d probably find some strong trends.

[EDIT}and - I see you’ve found Motorhead’s stuff case in point ;^)

It’s those trends I’m trying to find…and I thought the calculator might do things consistently to where I could notice 'em, and I still might…maybe in the wrong direction for me, but that’s a trend to learn from as well, right!? I’ve found SOO many different styles of tunes from help I’ve received, and that addresses your point about messin with a car and STILL be able to drive it fairly well! I’ve found that some of my tunes are better for my style of driving, at the moment, than some who claim LB’s! I’m still new to this whole thing, and I have a lot to learn… Cheers for the help! the Count