Tunes unsharing

Does anyone know why this happens? I’ve noticed many of the set ups i’ve shared are unsharing and being marked as private.

I’ve not hit the tune limit yet and they are not the career auto save set ups either. I know i’ve previously shared them as i’ve took the time to write a description, which i wouldn’t do if not sharing it, but for whatever reason they are no longer public.

Is there a limit on the number of set ups that can be shared that is lower than the actual number you can save, or some other trigger that unshares them? I’m at a loss as to why this happens.

Report this atthe FM troubleshooting hub.

Yeah, same thing happens with paints too.

I thought I noticed this the other day, will pay more attention to confirm.

Why is there a limit on how many tunes you can share/have at any one time anyway? I swear my pc has adequate storage for tunes and more than 10 replays.

Normally it’s limitations on console save sizes, and since this game has cross-progression (not on Steam) the files need to be Xbox compatible.

I thought all of the saved files are stored in T10 servers…
Also, how much can you save files on consoles? 2GB?