Transporter series!!!! (lol)

OK well here is the deal we need 8 players and we can have a few people make their own version of this but here it is:

you know in like spy films and race films were there is a guy trying to drive from point A to point B in a really expensive car and has “body” guards to protect the shipment of the car?

Well this is what I want to do is have a car be driven from point a to b, (maybe a unicorn or a really expensive or rare car) and there will me (or this is a community thing were a new challenge for people), so one important driver and three protectors that block stuff from attacking. (can be any car that is S class or lower) then there is 4 cars that are along the way or at one place and they will try to take out the main driver. (now you would set a coarse from a destination and you have to say at least three points were you will travel (one is fake–along the path of the route) the goal is for the transporters is to try to get the car (of if you have an suv) the “package” to the point you choose (which is one of the barns), with out having the transport car destroyed, flipped or totaled.
(so if that happens then the wreckers win.)
now there is no doggy guarding the barn so no trolling of the wreckers. (if you get to the barn and hit it even going like 200 MPH you still win if your car was not completely destroyed before then) Now to make this more fun be sure to turn on traffic on the mission for wrecks and stuff

 (well Microsoft word has out done it’s self for that)

so if you guys like this Idea like and try it with your friends! (Maybe even me)