

根据他们给你的错误代码,可以做不同的事情来帮助你排除故障。人们面临的最常见的错误代码是 terredo/ipsec 错误 (0x00000000)。其中有各种各样的事情可以帮助您进行故障排除。我推荐此链接以尝试帮助您进行故障排除,如果这不起作用,您可以提交位于页面底部的帮助票!希望我对你有所帮助!

(English Translation: Depending on the error code they give you, different things can be done to try and help you troubleshoot. The most common error code people face is the terredo/ipsec error (0x00000000). Which there is all sorts of things to help you troubleshoot. I recommend this link to try and help you troubleshoot and if that doesn’t work you can submit a ticket for help located at the bottom of the page! Hopefully I helped you some!)