Top B CLASS time for Auto

Been trying for days to get a 2:16 on nurburgring GP in the B class rivals in my ford lotus cortina, finally got there with a 2:16:4, that makes it the best Automatic time on there at the moment by .1 seconds.
Pretty happy about it, but I’d really love to see what that build will do with someone racing it manual, would one of you more experienced rev-heads wanna see what shes capable of?

Car: FORD Lotus Cortina
Creator: Ruddy88

If someone does take her for a drive, let me know what you think. Ive made a post about the cortina before but the whole build has changed aswell as most of the tune.
Thanks to anyone who helps here. If you want an open source of it, I have posted it in another topic that me and PPiDrive started to post all of our open source tunes.