Hi my gamertag is; oColonel Graff
I Race top 100 Leaderboads mostly in B class I share every single one of my top tunes. I inv anyone to beat my times with my tunes so if anyone is interested you can go check me out I also have some tunes for A, C, and D class as well and a popular radical sr8 Karting tune for P class. Enjoy the tunes and I’ll see you in the Lobby’s
Pretty vague post bud. What cars should we try? What tracks are you top 100? I’m sure a lot of us would be willing to help but we need a little more info.
i will also try your tunes and let you know!
GAMERTAG CHANGE; Apex Graff. I have recently been recruited for Apex as a tuner V12 I appreciate the feedback in the posts, me and my new club post top 20 times on almost ALL tracks look for APEX. we are not the very best but we are major contenders with a few top 10 times under our belts. anybody interested in my tunes or just want help you can add my gamertag. I use TONS of non leaderboard cars and I also run the leaderboard cars im always open with ALL of my tunes HMU if you want some help or just want a good race. I can also recruit for APEX but you have to be FAST. =) have a nice day see you in the lobbys. (you can always search for my name and download my tunes if you don’t want to add friend or race.)
Hi my gamertag is; Apex Graff
I Race top 100 Leaderboads mostly in B class I share every single one of my top tunes. I inv anyone to beat my times with my tunes so if anyone is interested you can go check me out I also have some tunes for A, C, and D class as well and a popular radical sr8 Karting tune for P class. Enjoy the tunes and I’ll see you in the Lobby’s
Is this you? http://www.forzastats.com/Player/oColonel%20Graff
At the moment your new gamertag is not showing on Forzastats. I don’t know if you need to do anything to update it.
This is my first forza and my times are nothing to brag about but how and where can I find that graph you linked? And what’s it mean exactly?? @sat
This is my first forza and my times are nothing to brag about but how and where can I find that graph you linked? And what’s it mean exactly?? @sat
Forzastats only tracks top 500 times but only gives points for top 100 times. It is not an official site.