What are the rewards?
Yea I haven’t got mine either just loaded the game up nothing in message centre
On ForzaRC last night I asked about the same problem and I sent this to a moderator via Messages on XBOX Live:
“*****(the moderator) it is the same problem as everyone is having since Friday. No Messages, no Speciality Dealer, no access to Multiplayer, Rivals or Auction House etc and it has not been fixed as yet. Someone has suggested going off line then back on line on the ForzaMotorSport Forums. This solved my problem just now. I’m on XB1X in the UK.”
The reply I got off three moderators was it is being looked into and they should be there when the problem is fixed.
I have to log off from the internet in the (SYSTEMS) Network settings then wait about 10 seconds, then log back onto the internet in the Network section of the XBOX Home page, the one that pops up when you press the X button. Then go back to FM7 to kick start my game into knowing that the internet is on!.
In the end after a fight I got all 6 of the Rewards from ForzaRC last night.
Cheers this worked for me.
All mine came through right after rivals, I just posted this as nothing had been mentioned at time of my posting about yesterday’s forza rc or what the rewards would be. Then of course MantoeMax comes in right after and announces…
Either of you try the trick posted in the tech forum. It worked on my slow home internet last night. One account had 32 messages, and the gift cars from the Indy bounty hunter come up finally, this was after that same account checked messages on a faster internet earlier yesterday.