I almost twisted my wrist or broke a finger from this. It’s crazy! Has anyone else had this occur or have a fix?
Its the same for everyone, not sure if its a bug or a feature. However, if its a bug i’d expect it to be fixed by now. It might be related to the fact that the wheel needs to revert to the DOR at the point where you stop the rewind, but it does that in a very dangerous and rude manner. You could lose a hand if you are not careful, but you can still sue T10/TM if that happens
My 1st TX burned up using rewind,i just restart now.
In my experience the force feedback during rewind is not any more or less powerful than the feedback during regular racing.
When I rewind I simply press the button and hold on to the wheel the same as when I’m racing forward. It certainly takes some effort to hold the wheel straight but for me it’s been no different than the effort it takes to hold it straight while racing forward.
This was a rewind of a sweeping right hand turn on Road America. I didn’t go off course, just missed the line and wanted to readjust my entry. It’s a subtle turn to say the least and my wheel hasn’t gone this crazy since the patch. Before it would swing fast like you describe crunchy1X but the slamming afterwards never happened.
My wheel has done the same thing even before the patch. I don’t know what causes it, but it sure is dangerous. My suggestion is just try not to use rewind too much.