There should be a zero option for volume in FH4

I have been playing this game for some time now and something that I have always had an issue with is the incessant music in loading screens, and no zero option on the volume. Both of these seem like overly simple things to fix, which as far as I am aware have been in Forza 5. What I would like to know is if there is any way that I could disable it. this is extremely important to me as I am autistic and the clashing of music between it and the music that I find relaxing triggers my noise sensitivities, and is extremely unnerving and makes me viscerally uncomfortable.
While I am aware this will not be answered by the dev team, this should be implemented a patch, as it is an integral accessibility option that should not be left out in a triple A title.

it’s fixed in FH5 and they aren’t going to go back and update the old game. once the new game comes out the old one quickly enters EOL.