There are plenty of us still playin FM4

61% of the people polled about if they would still be playin FM4 said YES…it sucks we lost ALL of our history, but hopefully those of you who had catalogs out there will re-place them on this new forum. I know it takes time spent to put em back up, but more of us (almost 2/3 of all players) can’t, or won’t, be playin FM5, and we would love to have your tunes to play with! Thanks!


+1 on wanting the tuning catalog back… especially those from the end of forza 4’s life when everyone was posting open source tunes. this was a great place to start and great for the community.


I must say I have just started playing Forza 4, (had it on the shelf for a few year never got to playing it) but was also combing this forum looking for tunes and advice etc. so I am a little disappointment with this transition but I am finding Google cache will bring up old threads, not as convenient but still an option if you can find the old thread address.

For the time being the old forums can be viewed here. - as a read only. Not sure how much longer this will be there but for now.


Thanx for the old forum post, I was able to go back and get some info I needed.

I saved a couple of my old posts onto notepad docs so hopefully I can copy and paste them back without too much hassle. Still had comps running and cash to give away there.


Can any one help Since last year August I have not been able to go onto the any of the marketplaces or store fronts has anyone experienced this issue ? what should I do No paint schemes no tunes nothing available .

I hope that some of the Forza 4 tuning experts will continue to share their tuning expertise here. Some have gone to Forza 5, some may come back to Forza 4, but there are still plenty of people who will play Forza 4 until Microsoft pulls the plug.

Most of the GSW stuff is in the marketplace. All of them are good tunes to buy.

I still play occasionally. I cant believe they deleted all the old posts…

They didnt delete them, they moved them.

Here is a link to old TM

After taking a break for about a year I decided to get back into this game. I’m actually feeling motivated to get back into this since the old threads have been blown to oblivion. We should try and build it back up. I guess in the coming weeks I’ll start a thread for my SF. Nothing special, but I have my share of paints and tunes. I’d love to jump back into it.

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i cnt wait to see them come back

alot of pepole play because they dont have xbox ones

Hey every one but I still play fm4 but I’m on fm5 as well but I still prefer fm4 due to the more options of more cars to play with

I own FM3, however, I really didn’t play it but a few times. I own & play FM5… that’s the only videogame I’ve been playing since early last year. I’m getting FM4 in a few days & I’ll be a straight up NOOB on that game. I’ve figured out how to tune on FM5 & I’m a bit concerned about the differences between the physics between the two games.

Hopefully there’s still a lot of players on FM4 & hopefully the FM4 community is active enough so that I can get some tuning help & have some good online racing.

Any guidance & info you could throw my way will be greatly appreciated!

When you get FM4 shoot me a message, we’ll run some laps.

have a good-n

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Sounds perfect brother… I’ll let you know!

Anyone still playing? depends on what you consider playing. Since the start of 2020 to end of Feb, 269 new players per day (16193 total) have lodge a time while connected to the internet. Complete 200 laps on different circuits. I haven’t worked that out yet. How many have completed 400 laps - 20 players.
900 laps? - from over 8million players from last 10 years - 2 in the last 3 months.

How is the leaderboard worked out? My rough answer is: for each track for each class you start at 30 minutes.
Total Time = tracks * time/track
Circuit Leaderboard start at around 522.5 hours = tracks * 30min/track
so 1045 tracks approx.
11 classes so 95 tracks per class. New players can lodge a time on 83 of those. There are 12 test tracks that can no longer be downloaded.

Set an unclassified time (say 3minutes) the total time reduces 17minutes. So 10 minute penalty for bumping your car into opponents, fences, cutting corner ect.

How can I get up the leaderboard? Answer. Complete a lap on a track using different classes (not just R3, S or A).

Milestones targets.
100 laps unclassified - 494 hours - ranking higher than 1.5 million - top 20%
100 laps classified - 477 hours - ranking higher than 750,000 - top 10%

200 laps unclassified - 466 hours - about 400,000 - top 5%
200 laps classified - 433 hours - around 150,000 - top 2%

400 laps unclassified - 409 hours - about 85,000 - top 1%
400 laps classified - 342 hours - about 30,000 - top 0.4%

900 laps unclassified - 267 hours - top 4,000 - top 0.05%
900 laps classified - 117 hours - top 1500

What do you need to do to be in the top 1000 players of Forza Motorsport 4 (Leaderboard Circuit)? For a start be one of the 253,000 players that have the Test Tracks. Dawdle around each of the 1045 laps and you’ll creep to 52 hours and be in top 1000. Currently top 1000 is two shades better than 64hr31min15sec.

So for rest of us 8million+ players top 10,000 realistic and achievable.

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