The starter cars are Horizon 4's biggest flaw so far imo

THIS. Here’s the thing, in previous Forza games, if I recall correctly, they did! Just one of the many things they’ve messed up over the years.

I like the split mode idea very much. I kidn of played GTA 5 that way. It has a normal story mode but, it also has something called “director mode” for making films, which is basically the entire game map with no story, you can set the time and weather, spawn cars you own in story mode, play with cheats… It’s like playing around in the matrix, there’s no consequences and nothing matters. Perfect sandbox, and kept me from wasting a bunch of time in story mode on needless trips to the hospital when I wanted to do not-story things. That might be a fun way to play Forza, especially if the sandbox mode let you control time and weather

This would be amazing. I would love a separate hardcore mode where you do in fact have to build up an old car, pay for repairs, and have to win a couple races for every upgrade.


I’d love a split mode system where you have to pay for gas, repairs, tires, maintenance and where the cash is low for each race. That’d give the game a really nice feeling imo.

Also in terms of starting off, once I get my starter car in FH4, I’ll probably do the requested tutorial car and the sell it and get a different car. I’ll get rid of all the loyalty stuff too.

In the old Grid series once you started winning you would be eligible for sponsorships; putting said sponsors decal on your car would increase your payouts, after a while the real money you made wasn’t from the winnings but from sponsorships from car related brands. I would love to see something like this in a future Horizon because sponsorships play a massive role in funding everything from grass roots drifters to formula 1 racers.

I can see this working to play into the endgame being much more open and making it easy to finish unlocking everything. It would also be an awesome feature to add to the Forza Motorsport games as well, and in some ways would be even better suited to those games than even Horizon.

Totally agree with you Evan, it would have been a really nice touch if the game started out giving you an old beat up car (with a livery to make it look old and beat, maybe even a damaged bumper or something) then you take that to the horizon festival and try to qualify/register for the driving events, dialogue can be put in to make fun of the car “this guy doesn’t stand a chance!” etc (could even setup a driverrivalry that would play out over the campaign). Then once you surprise everyone with you beat up car they show a bit of respect towards the player as a driver, then as you progress you can fix the car up or buy something else.


They could have easily done that too because they have a “beat up” livery for the barn finds. Something like a beat up Fiesta XR2 or something like that would’ve been great.


There’s nothing stopping anyone from selling their overpowered starter cars as early as possible and buying something underpowered like the XR2, I quite like that idea TBH

How awesome would it be in either game to rack up a few wins and then recieve an in game sponsorship offer from Red Bull, Rock Star, or Monster? Or be hitting up the street scene and being approached by Rocket Bunny or Liberty Walk to sponsor you if you use their bodykit on your car? Would love stuff like this in future Forza titles, would definitely help with the progression aspect weve been talking about.

I adored the original GRID games and also PGR. They had interesting features, good progression and it felt like I earned my way up the ranks. In Forza, everything is just handed out to you.

Being the land of the MINI, I am surprised that the R56 or the original Cooper weren’t a choice.

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A quick and easy answer to all the people that want to start off with almost nothing.
Will power, you can use the “remove car” from your garage option. If you "really’ want to do it, you can, most wont though.
Are we even sure that the cars we have in the demo are going to be the same cars in the full game? The demo is suppose to get us in and see what is it capable of. This is the reason after completing all of these events will net us enough money to completely change the Focus RS into a wide body 1k hp car in the demo.


Evan, Forza Horizon is now Pokémon with cars. People want that feel of picking between domestic, Euro and JDM, and the new individual skill trees will allow people to make their cars their own, as their automotive buddies in their quest to become the Forza Horizon Master.

Also, you don’t have to be a train… er, racer anymore, as you can be a stuntman, a painter… You even have Mist… er, Keira poking you all the time. :smiley:

There was some of this feel in FM7 with the collector tier and the starter events, and it was probably a bad idea to turn the McLaren F1 into the Charmander of the game.

I’ve never wanted a game to exist as much as this.

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Agree with the view of starting with lower class car then working your way up by racing and tuning. I was still using that VW at the end of FH1.
Cant even remember the starter cars for FH3 (most likely chose the saloon/hatchback option) as i bought a corsa as soon as possible and used it for the first 3rd of the game whilst dabbling with a couple of other favourite cars. Probably helped by the fact i mainly drive Class B to S1 cars with little interest in S2 cars.
Will be looking to the same again with FH4.

For me the best cars are by and large the older, slower models. I like not being urged along a path of “upgrading”, leaving the hypercars and racecars as novel collectibles.

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Bear in mind that while Horizon 1 may have stuck you in the Corrado at the start, you were practically given a Mustang before you started the championship by way of a Showcase. Either you went on with that Mustang, or you could sell it for enough credits to get something you really wanted.

I sell Ford in Australia. Come see me, I’ll get you set up for finance in a Focus RS easily

If FH4 is anything like FH3, then at least we could artificially create our progression, by blueprinting events with slower cars as go up from there.

That’s what I did in FH3… But I had to ignore the whole “festival boss” non sense.