I, along with countless others, have lost their game save due to a cloud error. Look at the forums. There are an obscene amount of people having the issue yet nobody from T10 or Microsoft seems to care. I lost my game save about a month ago now, and am slowly getting back everything that was lost. I won’t go into too much detail, but I’ll just say that I spent over 400 hours on that save, was at driver level 750 with an expansive garage, etc. Also, I am a fairly well known Forza streamer and really took a hit to my channel when it happened.
The situation is abysmal because you cannot get help from anyone with the issue. If you call Microsoft support, they tell you to email T10. You email T10, you get an auto-response stating that they do not reply to emails.
Enough about me though. There are others out there that have been ripped off (we’re talking real world money losses, a.k.a. tokens) by the shortcomings of the cloud. This is unacceptable Turn 10, and it needs to be addressed, and fixed. Immediately. I only hope for the game’s sake that someone like Raceboy or MLR Tachyon, who are extremely popular streamers don’t experience this problem or the bad news WILL spread like wild fire.
Post here if you have been a victim of the cloud, and tell your story - what you lost, what you will do, and what you think should happen.
Lets fix this problem!