The Gone Viral achievement?

I’ve checked all my pics and there’s no evidence to back up the achievement.

Same thing with me.

Do to the lack of space set aside for photos and replays I’m not going to even worry about it. I’ve been refreshing the library with new media almost daily.

I believe neither photos or videos have accurate information on them.

They will have been viewed the right number of times though.

A while ago there was a thread where people posted if they wanted people to view their pics to get this achievement. So people were getting the 100 view achievement with 100 actual views but the stats tracker on the photos got nowhere near adding to 100.

It didn’t even cross my mind to get the achievement it just popped up one day and I was curious to see the photos that got all the attention.

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you can easy get this by yourself by creating a second account ( it gets free gold on the xbone) and looking at your photos with it 100 times or as many as it takes to pop the achievement