The garage Livery glitch might have made its way to the AH

I have had the problem where the livery in the garage can get a little confusing if you have more than one version of a car and load the first one then any further selections may not show correct until you get to the track since it can even be wrong in Forzavista and the Paint Shop. I put two cars up for auction and they have the same livery except for the number on the door but in the AH both show the same. No big deal unless it was the buyer’s favorite number but I have some cars ready to go that are even different colors doing the same in the garage and it would be a disaster if someone thought they were buying a black and silver car and it ended up pink and blue by the time they got it home. Is anyone else finding this with their multiple cars in AH?

Just had a look and on the thumbnail & big still picture of the car both showing No 2 - if I go to details Y - where you can rotate around the car, I can see one is #2 and the other #3

This sort of thing isn’t unique to FM7 - used to have odd little things like this creeping in to the FM6 garage from time to time.

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Oh okay, thanks for the info. One good thing comes out of it is I didn’t even know you could rotate the cars in AH. My garage is a mess if I have 10 VW Beetles and click on the first one or the first design it grabs while scrolling it does not matter what I try I have to at least get to the track screen to know I have the right car.

Yes it is a mess if you have 10 VW Beetles in it.


Not just Beetles but if you are preparing several designs for a car then you usually have more than one in the garage but I noticed that really does upset the applecart, I have about 14 custom M4 BMW FE’s for the AH but can’t find the right ones when I go to start auction since 2/3rds of them are back to the original silver in the preview. I am about 2% off unlocking one of the achievements for designs so once that rolls over I will try to get back to 1 car per model.

Do you rename all your designs to a unique name? Specifically with multiple designs for the same car? Previous Forza games sometimes mixed up liveries when people left them with the default “Forza Livery” name … particularly with more than one design on the same car.

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I give them a new name. Like I might want to do 10 cars with the same design but the number on the door changes so as I save I rename them appropriately. Mainly multiples it happens and I get the same if I buy a car from the AH someone else has done. I have a Karmann Ghia someone else painted and I hadn’t seen it for well over a month until yesterday when it loaded the design but has always shown the stock standard color or in some cases the gray(when selected in the big preview window).