The Foodini--- you guys got to look at this

well the Foodini is the new way to make food if you are so lazy. it costs about 1,300 dollars and it is an 3D printer to make food

seriously look here: Man Creates Food With 3D Printer - The Foodini - YouTube

Now you have these cartridges which you need to replace/ refill with the food you need to make Pizza, strawberry’s , cookies, etc. but you can mix up ingredients to refill them also

so it’s like your regular printer but with the power to make Nacho’s :smiley:

well if you guys have like rich parents and want an 3D printer that makes food try to ask, I mean they have bean used for making cars, objects, even houses

(p.s this is what I get when I post a pic from bing, so yeah it’s not working dragnet–and I did use the image thing on here)

wow the .jpeg worked… ok I’m going to walk into an wall now

“The image thing on here” works just fine, the problem is what you post in it.

Let’s see if the pics show now…

see snootiestroom’s pictures are not working

Keep trying, I’m watching.

What he said…

ok back to the OP what does everyone think?

I can’t see the pictures, they aren’t posting on my screen.


EDIT: I wonder…


@RitzyBiscuit…when you are copying the link to the picture, add “.jpg” at the end of the link and the pictures should show up from bing.

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yay !!! it works :slight_smile:

even he is happy, even when he is sopost to be angry

now my angry bidoof pic is not working
and now I am putting the .jpeg on the end inside the [/IMG]

huh only works on bing not google (I guess you can call me an beta tester for the forums)

ok but back to the OP what do you guys think? about the Foodini?