Given the absence of my favorite playground game type from FH1, and my total dominance at a destination every once in a while in online road trip(generally in amateur division[D,C, and B class]), I’ve decided to implement the Cat and Mouse contingency: If I win the first three races at a destination, I welcome and encourage everyone else in the lobby to actively and aggressively keep me from winning the fourth - pitting, shunting/ramming, T-boning, and nudging to make me miss a checkpoint are all fair-game(basically, Cat and Mouse rules, with myself as the mouse and everyone else as a cat, though with more evenly matched cars).
Obviously, the streak shall reset at each new destination, and I’ll expect clean racing to resume(though I’m well aware that some won’t care, but they were likely driving that way the whole time anyway…), and the CMC will not go into effect if I fail to finish first in any of the first three races at the destination…
So, what do y’all think? Sound like fun? Will I be the only one playing like this, or will anyone else like to race with potential to activate the Cat and Mouse Contingency on themselves?
Let me know…