Thank you T10 for the new rivals !!

Thanks guys, it’s awesome too have an excuse too play horizon again !!

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So far about 500 people have ran the new horizon monthly rivals, and over 3000 have ran the F4 new monthly rivals…if we want T10 too keep horizon active…you all might want too participate…just sayin !!!

I actually miss running Rivals events in Horizon. Mainly because it made me feel good about my driving skills as I could always manage at least top 100 and even some 50 and top 20s. If they continue to support it, I actually might pick it up again just for the break from Forza 5.

and is this one of the ways to get the unicorn cars

Not likely. Go to the News Discussion Forum, find the Week In Review or Rear View Mirror threads, read the article and post a comment to get your unicorn cars. Couldn’t be easier.

Another thanks to Turn 10 for the Rivals challenges for Horizon. Be headed over there this evening after finishing up the Forza 4 Rivals last night.

Thank you again in Turn10 to rivals, this is good news to continue rivals both FM4 and Horizon !!!