I painted the Ultima GTR with a design that took me the better part of 2 weeks in the paint shop. I saved the design (did not share it) and moved on to paint the JDX Racing Hertz Porsche replica on the Ruf. When I finished that design I saved it, shared it, then went back to work on the Ultima that I had previously been working on. This is where it gets strange. When I got into the Ultima to continue painting, the car was painted with the Hertz design. I then went to apply my saved Ultima design only to see the design did not have the “load” option. I also tried to apply the design to a second Ultima to no avail. Additionally, I noticed that the saved Ultima design has the car type that it is designed for listed as the Ruf, not the Ultima which is why (I assume) the design will not apply to the intended car.
Where do I go from here? Has anyone else dealt with this issue yet?
At this point I have lost at least 2 weeks of painting time and the cost of that second Ultima.
I was searching for “racing” “realistic” paints for the Lotus Elan a couple days ago and it showed a BMW pic in the middle of the list as I scrolled through. Sounds like the same thing is happening to others too. You might consider applying your saved file to the RUF, creating and saving vinyl groups for each view (right, top, left, etc.) and then applying the saved groups to the Ultima. You might be able to recover most of what you made if the process lets you load it onto the RUF.
I tried applying the design to the Ruf and paint that it applies is an earlier (incomplete) version of the Hertz paint. This is disheartening to say the least.