Team ULD- Snail Speed [ON]-OFF

Okay I’m officially back from vacation. So those that interested in trying out, please add me and we will get something going today. :red_car::dash:

What’s good sexy @gamefreak :stuck_out_tongue:

Not much albo. It been a while. You got fm5?

I want in!

Hey Guys, Remember this kid?

Wuz up Madden, How you been? Sure has been a while since I’ve heard from you.

I’ve been good bro, starting college now. Haha felt like just yesterday, I was on sunset in forza 2 trying out for ULD with my RX8. How have you been? Daughter and family doing good bro?

That’s good Jimmy, Yeah man it does feel like it was yesterday when me and Nick were giving you a try out, Wile most teams would look for talent,We would look for personality. You were a great addition to the team, still are… Miss the old guitar songs you would play…LOL

Did not know you guys were back. Just came to say welcome back to my ex team.

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What was your GT back then?

ULD Hitsuguya

Damn!!! It’s been awhile bro. How you been? Still playing Naruto? lol

I quit naruto 4 years ago. Playing forza and shooters.

Add me. Let’s get a drift lobby going or a shooting lobby. Hit me up

The stance on this thing is crazy.

i come back on the forums for once and see that u’ve returned!
Welcome back boys! although it may be a fair few months late ;D

Thanks Relentless

Hey man my gamertag is Umang OOAK can i tryout?

We have talked already and you seem pretty cool add me regardless, Maybe we can get a session going.